[Events]Soaring Sales

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Gianluca99Star, Jun 11, 2024.

  1. Is it too late to join this week? I’ve been gathering sea lanterns but the sell flag is off
    Tuqueque, EvilBlo and ultipig like this.
  2. Hey.. Yeah, the week of Sea Lanterns ended on Monday for both Soaring Sales and Resource wars.. don't worry though permanent sell signs will be set up pretty soon for ALL past Soaring Sales items so players can continue to sell them for money, they just wont be competing for prizes!
  3. Another week of selling is over and the winner for Week 3 of Soaring Sales is 99Marvel for selling the most Sea Lanterns!

    The Block for Week 4 is Green Terracotta! The sign is already live so get selling!
    Tuqueque likes this.
  4. Get to selling your Green Terracotta today! whoever sells the most will win 100k!

    Good luck to all! =D
    Tuqueque likes this.
  5. Green Terracotta Sell signs are still open and will remain open until July 22 for the challenge! Get selling at +Sales for a chance to win 100k
    Tuqueque likes this.
  6. These Signs are officially up and can be found at /v +Sales on SMP1 for those who are interested in selling the past items that have occurred in this event!
    Tuqueque and KatydidBuild like this.
  7. Congratz to PalmSugar for winning week 4 and Selling the most Green Terracotta!

    The next item to sell is White Wool if you are interested and the sell signs are live! Start selling today for a chance to win 100k!
    Tuqueque likes this.
  8. The item to sell is White Wool!

    The sell signs are live at +Sales on SMP1! Start selling today for a chance to win 100k!

    This Item will end on July 29th
    Tuqueque likes this.
  9. Congratz to KatieKittyWitch for winning week 5 and Selling the most White Wool!

    The next item to sell is Skulk if you are interested and the sell signs are live! Start selling today for a chance to win 100k!
    Tuqueque and KatydidBuild like this.
  10. Hooray! Just for curiosity sake, do you know how many blocks I sold?
    Tuqueque likes this.
  11. nearly 400k
  12. Congratz to EvilBlo for winning week 6 and Selling the most Sculk!

    This next week will be a Double Week! The item to sell is Snow Blocks and Packed Ice! The sell signs are already live! Start selling today for a chance to win 100k for each item!
    Tuqueque and EvilBlo like this.
  13. Congratz to Yixomua for winning week 7 and Selling the most Snow Blocks!

    Congratz to ThaKloned for winning week 7.5 and selling the most Packed Ice!

    This next week item to sell is Grass Blocks and Dirt Blocks! The sell signs are already live! Start selling today for a chance to win 100k!
    Tuqueque and ThaKloned like this.
  14. Whoa I did not expect that :D Thank you so much though, I will make sure to do something nice with the money :)
    Tuqueque and Gianluca99Star like this.
  15. As I am traveling the winner of the dirt and grass block week has not been checked but I wanted to announce that the week 9/10 items sell signs are live and will both run for 2 full weeks

    The items are Quartz Blocks and Light Blue Terracotta! A small reminder that whoever sells the most of each item will win 100k on top of what they make for selling the items!

    Good luck, have fun and go make some money!
    Tuqueque likes this.

    use +Sales on SMP1 to start selling Cobbled Deepslate! This week block will run until Sun Feb 9! Whoever sells the most will also win a rupee Prize!

    The Signs are already live
    Tuqueque likes this.
  17. Congratz to MissBonnieParker for winning this weeks Soaring Sales!
    Tuqueque likes this.

    This is a special week!

    Item of the week: Raw Iron Blocks

    Price per block: 50r for first half of week and then 30r for rest of week!

    Thats right! 50r per block! Go get selling! =D
    Tuqueque likes this.
  19. take this opportunity to sell Raw Iron Blocks at 50r a piece! this weeks item is still live!
  20. After a VERY extended "week" it is time to announce the winner of the Raw Iron Blocks! This one came ALOT closer than expected! With just over a 1 stack lead; Congratz to farmerguyson for winning and selling the most Raw Iron Blocks!

    The next item to sell will be Red Stone Blocks! The sell signs are live! Start selling today for a chance to win 25k! at the end of the week!