[EVENT] Tuqueque's Sandbox

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Tuqueque, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. Hello! you have found Tuqueque's repurposed thread where he formats new creations :)
    Please do not reply to this thread
  2. Hello Everyone,
    Sorry for the delay in this update. Several personal events have kept me from being actively involved in EMC this year. For those who prefer a brief overview, here's a quick summary:

    For anyone who doesn't want to read the post, here is a summary that chat gpt made:

    • Survey Summary: Conducted in March 2023 to gather player opinions on EMC, shared with staff while maintaining participant anonymity.
      • Tuqueque will post more detailed data and graphs from the survey soon.
    • Decrease in Activity: Historical analysis of the "Show yourself" threads indicate a significant drop in EMC activity, aligning with projections from November 2022.
    • Discussion Threads: Various discussions over the years addressing community and staff issues, such as economy and game mechanics.
    • MC Java Trends: The decline in Minecraft Java's popularity, particularly among younger players, is concerning for EMC.
    • Future of EMC: Questions raised about rebranding EMC, targeting different audiences, and strategies to remain unique and attract new players.
    • Community Engagement: Suggestions for improving community engagement and resource accessibility.
    • Financial Stability and Development: EMC's financial stability is noted, but external economic factors and development challenges are ongoing concerns.

    What has happened so far?
    In March 2023, I created a survey but never publicly posted the results. I did, however, share them with the staff back then, respecting the anonymity requested by some participants.

    I released the survey while in communication with the staff team. After the study period elapsed, I shared with staff the curated data results. This survey stemmed from my experiences between June and December 2022, a period when my activity in EMC was high but was later reduced due to disillusionment with the server's progress in development over economy, community aspects, and others while I was absent from the game during college.

    For a deeper understanding of community discussions that have been held in the past and to help the community and staff team find ways to revitalize EMC, you can read more here:

    Threads by others

    EMC Decrease in Activity

    I also conducted an analysis showing the rapid decrease in EMC activity. The "Show yourself" thread, in my opinion, is a key indicator of this decline.

    Today in Dec 28, 2023, the 2023 Thread has 58 replies, on the bottom edge of my projections done on November of 2022
    (Blue text in image which the trend lines showcase a 57-107 range).

    This could have many reasons from new players disliking the forum/style, or posting selfies in it, or what I consider the main cause would be...

    the decrease in overall activity in EMC from both failing on acquiring new players and retaining old ones. (In reality a combination of many factors)

    We've had numerous conversations about the state of EMC, discussing various community challenges such as the economy and game mechanics.

    MC Java Trends

    I feel it is important to continue these discussions on how to redirect the server, and especially consider the general state Java Minecraft popularity.

    It is no news that Minecraft has been decaying in popularity, especially with younger children since there are so many entertainment options out there.

    During the first decade of Minecraft, arguably the golden era, it has had 3 main servers in Java of which arguably a majority of players has played at least in one of them at one point or another.

    Hypixel, Mineplex, and The Hive.

    Two of them have closed their Java servers, and stuck only with Bedrock edition.

    The Hive sunset its Java server two years ago 2021, and Mineplex did so this year(2023).

    This trend is something to consider as we think about EMC's future.

    Can we do anything?

    These discussions lead to several important questions regarding EMC's future, such as the possibility of rebranding, targeting different audience (the average age of the Minecraft player is 24!) and strategies to attract new players. How can we incentivize community engagement in various aspects of the game and beyond?
    I welcome any comments or ideas on EMC's state and what we, as players, can do to make EMC more appealing to new players. Should we change our approach to the economy, public farms, or even form an unofficial welcoming committee?

    I feel like many of the issues that EMC seems to be facing is kind of a recycling bin dilemma.

    If you make recycling too confusing or place the bin too far away from a trash bin, people won't recycle. However, if they are placed right next to trash bins in a non-confusing manner, then, people are more likely to do the right thing. For EMC, if resources are easily accessible for any community volunteers might be able to improve EMC's outlook with little to no effort, for any issues that can be managed without code.

    Let's talk! :)

    My thoughts...
    Over the next few hours/days, I'll share key graphs from the survey. In the meantime, here are some of my current thoughts:

    This past year, my playtime in EMC was limited, but I did explore other similar servers. I appreciated many aspects of these servers and also recognized where EMC excels, such as in staff professionalism and server stability.

    EMC financially seemed fine a year or so ago when using the API (basically a fast way to do /res info) I calculated the supportership of the populatiom who still had reses. The general conclusion from back then was that EMC has enough of a strong base of OGs who has kept supporting even when they haven't played in years, and after reaching out to a few, they said they have been happy supporting a service which gave them happiness many years ago, and would continue to support, even if they don't return. -> I am not that worried of EMC ceasing to exist due to financials - However: I am not sure how this has been affected by the real world factors such as big price hikes and inflation this year, and global recessions... both affecting disposable income for supporters, and probably server technology for monthly upkeep costs.)

    It is also true that chicken had an extremely busy year IRL and that slowed development of EMC. I am not sure how much a discussion would help in this situations. Upcoming projects such as the Think Team? seem to be the right directions at least to be able to optimize the little dev time we get per year.

    If you would like to mark the thread as "read" to receive notifications, or share any thoughts or questions you might have, feel free to so.

    P.S. I'm not sure if I ever gave the promised rupee rewards for the survey, so I'll do that first thing whenever I sit down to write the next post.
    khixan and ShelLuser like this.

  3. ~What is this?~
    This is a fun event hosted at Air Inc(owners tuqueque, Dufne, UltiPig) by Tuqueque. The hoster will ask 15 questions and each winner will get a chance to shoot at the prizes 6 times. The winner can choose to either a max of 6 prizes or shoot of item frames to reach the back, where bigger rewards are! After the trivia, the hoster at his own will, could open a free-for-all part to empty the prize pool. So basically a "throw party" instead of a "drop party"

    How to play?

    1. Win trivia
    2. Get told the TP
    3. TP and shoot for prizes
    4. ***This is just for demonstration, prize wall is huge and long( a better video will come soon enough, he he)
    everything is provided, there is no need to bring anything to this! just yourself and maybe some fast typing fingers for googling =P(if needed)


    last about 1hour 50min

    the Air Inc HQ on corner utopia reses 5857
    go there by typing /utopia and then /v +air or /v 5857


    Donations are greatly appreciated and YOU are helping us make this event better by doing so. If you would like to donate rupees then pay tuqueque the amount you wish and notify him =P, if items, hoppers will be at the HQ waiting for you, thanks!
    ~Braggin' Rights~

    Each time an event is hosted, tuqueque will place a Braggin' Rights book on the prize pool. If you get this book you will have to mail this back to tuqueque(or the current hoster) so he can place you in this list :)

    7/30/2016-Rhythmically(original name: Qwerty189)


    you may be wondering what prizes are they going to be sp here is a brief summary:

    • Promos
    • Voter items(not always)
    • Gems and their blocks
    • Obsidian, tnt and other valuable blocks(by stacks)
    • Enchanted items from end city dungeons
    • Deco heads
    • Rare mob heads
    • Orginal Tin Foil Hats(not always)
    • Other items!
    ~Can I use this res for my private event?~
    Yes you can, just contact tuqueque for details and availability
    ShelLuser likes this.
  4. Sounds fun! also really love that banner XD
    khixan, tuqueque and ShelLuser like this.
  5. oooh this was the place I did a little testing for you! This game is way fun :)
    UltiPig, SealInAction and tuqueque like this.
  6. Sounds awesome hope I can attend!:D
    khixan and tuqueque like this.
  7. I can attest that this is a very cool setup. I will try to be there. :)
    tuqueque, SealInAction and khixan like this.
  8. I'll be there to watch! :)
    khixan and tuqueque like this.
  9. I hope to try to be there
    khixan likes this.
  10. Trivia and prizes? And enderpearls? Sounds like fun.
    khixan likes this.
  11. I'll try to be there!
    tuqueque likes this.
  12. starting now
  13. This Was so much fun! I went as BQ2003 and it was a blast!! it inspires me to host something like this... :D thanks so much for it!
    tuqueque likes this.
  14. this was a lot of fun hostin! here is a clip of the last few mins(after all good stuff were taken), of how the FFA was. enjoy!


    1. When was John F. Kennedy assassinated? (exact date)answer: November 22, 1963
    2. What name is given to the closest star to the Earth?answer: The Sun
    3. What is the dot in the "i" called?answer:A tittle
    4. The Colorado River flows into what body of water?answer: Gulf of California
    5. What is Miss Piggy's surname?answer: Lee
    6. What day is today in? (mm/dd/year format) answer: July 30, 2016
    7. What is the Capital of US state Florida? (spelling mush be correct) answer: Tallahassee
    8. Who is the father of the periodic table?(last name or complete name) answer mendelev
    9. What custom mob name has been released by Aikar, but not the actual creature(or any details of it)?(summary: name of a tentative future custom mob) answer: Lethar
    10. Who were the first members to be promoted to staff? answer: Dark_Liz and AusQB
    11. when were the sellers of the buyback shop of smp1 town, rewarded back(give date)? March 20, 2013
    12. What is the organization on Ankara’s ast res? answer: Umbrella Corporate
    13. When was the Empire Wiki added? (mm/dd/year) format answer: August 30, 2013 8/30/13
    14. What was aikar first suggestion to EMC(as a regular player)? type thread name or paste thread link answer: https://empireminecraft.com/threads/idea-player-owned-towns-the-anti-griefer.3343/
    15. 15.Before Starlis LLC took over EMC, what was the name of JustinGuy’s company? answer: Kalland Labs
  15. Also, Congratz to Rhythmically for getting the special book!
  16. EDIT: if you area reading this in 2022 or later
    Do NOT bump this thread

    It is inactive! If you would like to discuss something in here, please DM me instead
    UltiPig likes this.