[EVENT] Trial of the Mountain Isle

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by fluffinator09, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. Guys we need a Moderator to play!
  2. We just need one more person and that is a staff I am assuming? Contacting staff now..
    fluffinator09 likes this.
  3. I asked bonzd, jim, and death.
    Death and jim are working and bonzd was afking at a grinder I think.
    Go on utopia, once on it spam Bonzds' messages.
    fluffinator09 likes this.
  5. You may join now! Please wait in spawn!!!!
  6. Oops, I am sorry but I cannot make it :(.
  7. Go ahead and join! I shall find a mod or something!
  8. We have a spot open!
  9. Great, can you contact some mods so we can get one on the server?

    Jk, be on my team?? :p
  10. Guys, it looks like you got bitemenow15 to help. However, before creating an event like this next time, you must make sure you have a moderator available, first, not last minute.
  11. Red team here...
  12. Join now so you can be assigned a team!
  13. Im getting on!
  14. I just did, red team
  15. I love how a lot of people signed up, only 5 came. COME ON PEOPLE!
  16. Yup
  17. :/ Debate stuff atm...
  18. I think I missed it XD