[Event] The Haunted Mansion Scavenger Hunt

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by LunarEndergirl, Oct 2, 2019.

  1. Today is the day! Hope to see everyone there!
    MoreMoople likes this.
  2. Thank you to those who came to the event! I hope you all had fun!:D

    My favorite parts of the mansion are the attic bride and the grim grinning ghost busts.

    What was yours?

    I left the flags set where they are so if anyone wants to visit anytime they can.
    MoreMoople likes this.
  3. Well worth a visit! Cool build. Love the attic altogether
    xGGirlx likes this.
  4. Love your build <3
  5. Curses, I missed it, ah well, such is life yeah? I got to see it while you were in the middle of constructing it, so that counts as something for me. :)
    xGGirlx likes this.
  6. I was not able to visit at the opening time.

    However .... I had a blast exploring the grounds! very well done!!
    xGGirlx likes this.
  7. I came, I saw, and I partook in the fun. Great event and as Raaynn said you should add a basement. Creepy stone underground maze..

    xGGirlx and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  8. Lol, it's funny that you both should say that. An underground maze was part of my original plans, but it took me six months to build the current design. I also really wanted it be ready for Halloween.
    AncientTower likes this.