[EVENT] Moople's Firefloor

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by MoreMoople, Aug 17, 2019.

  1. Thank you all for coming! :D The burning shall continue next week ;)
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  2. See you all tonight! :)
    jaqque and wafflecoffee like this.
  3. lit
    MoreMoople likes this.
  4. Thank you all for coming! We were short one jaqque today (wow, big voice chat difference. He's clearly the extrovert of the FF host duo). There were three rounds as usual, and then we ended with a couple rounds of arrow spleef. :)
    jaqque, jewel_king and wafflecoffee like this.
  5. Edited: We are good to go tonight! See you all there :D
    jewel_king and Gamemaster3158 like this.
  6. Woot woot! Thank you all for coming :D We had the normal three rounds followed by jaqque's speed round. ElfinPineapple showed up, and when he's around, death and chaos ensue. :D
    Skiddylicense04 and jewel_king like this.
  7. Thank you all for coming!

    I must say we had some of the most best dressed folk:

    MoreMoople mentioned ElfinPineapple, and the chaos that ensued. I was hanging out in the Host Box minding my own business, when all of a sudden:

    It's FireFloor, not FireInTheHostBox!

    Afterwards, we had a bit of arrow spleef. I won a couple of arrows:
    MoreMoople likes this.
  8. Aaaa! I barely even know what day it is anymore :eek: We're going back to firefloor tonight! Hopefully it doesn't break too much :D

    Edit: Or maybe not. It doesn't seem to be working yet :(
    Edit 2: I'm not sure if Hash will be able to get it running in time, so tonight we will be doing Fistfight instead. :D
    CatNapInn and wafflecoffee like this.
  9. Thanks for coming everyone! :D We had a simple Firefloor today with three rounds and voice chat. See you all next week! :)
    jaqque, jewel_king and wafflecoffee like this.
  10. Looking to see how much people appreciate these kinda events. I don't know what I'd do without an amazing server like this. I'll probably be there.
    MoreMoople and CatNapInn like this.
  11. FireFloor always has the best dressed players show up!

    wafflecoffee and MoreMoople like this.
  12. thanks lol :)
    jaqque and MoreMoople like this.
  13. Thank you all for coming! We had our usual four rounds tonight, and a rather... Interesting voice chat group ;) See you all next week! :D
    jaqque likes this.
  14. Happy Easter EMC !!

    and thanks moople & jaqque
    MoreMoople and jaqque like this.
  15. The speed round had a winner - ME!

    The consensus was that wafflecoffee was the last to fall.
    wafflecoffee and MoreMoople like this.
  16. Indeed I was! And don't let anyone else tell you otherwise :p
    Raaynn and MoreMoople like this.
  17. Agreed you were the last to fall the last round... but jaqque didn't fall. :D
    wafflecoffee and MoreMoople like this.
  18. Woulda came but I got caught up watching Dr. Strange and I went to bed after and didn't think about Firefloor
    MoreMoople likes this.
  19. This is acceptable ;) Love Dr. Strange, hahaha
    KoolAid42 likes this.
  20. Definitely >:)
    MoreMoople likes this.