[EVENT] Empire Olympics

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by synth_apparition, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. maybe you guys can live stream this or let spectators into the server?
  2. i want to participate :(, i already send my application, but no answer :(
  3. I've been having trouble with alerts recently. I also fail to check in on my posts everyday. Sonicol1, you're in, Jameskim, you're in as a sub for smp8 and so are you, codygraw. If I missed out any other applications, i'm extremely sorry. Please quote this post if i've missed you out.
  4. If I gonna be a sub I rather be a sub for 4
  5. Please Note that the OP that I quoted was on Page 7, and this was before you left on your Vacation :)
  6. Added :)
  7. We only need smp9 sub and utopia another person and sub
  8. xD thx, now i want to know the time and the date plz :p
  9. I don't have a date and time though. School starts in 15 days and my mum's birthday is the day before I go back to school. I haven't got the map finished and ivonator123 still needs to set up the server for the event.
  10. so it will take many time to finish, i will wait, i am glad because i am having second term exams :p
  11. On the main page it says codygraw could ICC or Justin change that to codygraw101 Thanks :)
  12. And didnt you say you have to "live on the server" to be on that team sonicol1 doesnt live on smp8 he lives on 7
  13. thats true, i post my application long time ago saying that i am from smp7 and if i could do for smp8, but no answer, then i post this again, and they accepted, but if you need to live in smp8 to compete for smp8, i dont have any problem with that rule.
  14. I will be the sub for smp7!!
  15. Form?
    -snip- your posts PLEASE
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  16. When is this? I can't find the date anywhere :3
  17. I don't have a date yet :3
  18. i sadly have a very similar problem
  19. Take me off the list for smp8 please and replace me with one of the subs.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  20. how do I sign a form?