True and true. I wouldn't dare stealing some else's work, I can't say that about other people on the Internet. Would you like to judge?
FanFiction not Final Fantasy xD I am actually writing it on the events immediately after Rogue One. It won't interfere with canon in anyway so it could become canon... One day... I can dream can't I? EDIT: And yes it is, but I may write it in such a way I can keep adding on, with no true 'end.'
Actually there are plenty of novels that start out as a short story or collection of short stories, but then the authors decide to expand or compile it into a longer story. The key is choosing the right breaking point. You can leave some questions unanswered, but the reader shouldn't be left confused at the end.
I just noticed the judge option! And it's still the 25th So if you're still looking for judges then I'd like to apply for the position as well
Question. If you are in need of judges, would you be willing to issue Honorable Mentions to submissions made by Judges, without them accepting any prizes offered? I ask because my skillset lends itself toward judging although I may or may not have time to write and submit content. This may seem silly with a 6-month window of opportunity, but real life circumstances prevail. It would be nice to still have some sort of recognition if favorable content is submitted, such to be judged only by others of course.
There hasn't been a single new piece of writing yet, mind Shelluser's new adventure catalog. There is only 5 months left.
I've modified the rules to make things easier. Now any post on a thread that is meant for your short stories can qualify if it was posted this year. Also you just need to be concerned with Character Design rather than development. This allows even shorter stories, such as Flash Fiction to have better chance. So let's see some new work!
This is still going and its almost hit the halfway mark. So there has been... 1 valid entry. I would like it so that there is some competition.
Heya... forgot to post here that i would add to the prize pool Shadow +15 k first +10 k 2nd +5k 3rd Good job encouraging writers...
I would like to make a statement at the risk of coming over as arrogant but if that happens then so be it... I'd like to mention once again that I won't be participating in all this, also because I'm one of the judges. Just in case that anyone got it into their head that they might be competing against me which could be a tough cookie to crack (or not! I'm definitely not trying to imply that I'm the best writer there is, but I do think it's fair to say that within the context of EMC I also got a fair share of well enjoyed work behind my name ) . So yeah, thanks Raayn for your donation, highly appreciated!
I just feel this requieres a retort of sum kind... some funny quip or cute joke... problem is im still to tired to think on my feet... fact is i am currently sitting and hacing a coffee... so will save this space for a later reply... Besides.... best writer AND a wrestler? Cmon ... who'd believe it?
In total there will be 30k for first place thanks to both Shell and Raaynn. If that's not incentive to take a hour out of your day to take a chance at writing, then I don't know what is. Also, thanks to Raaynn there is prizes for second and third now! So get out there and get writing, you got over 3 months left.
I like to hace me a coffee now n' then too! Damn coffee. Anyways, I thought I'd mention, this month is also Camp NaNoWriMo, the child-event developed by the folks at the National Novel Writing Month that happens every (November?). Camp NaNoWriMo places you in a virtual "cabin" with a handful of other participants for a camp-like atmosphere. I believe you have the option to request cabin assignment by genre, random selection, or pick friends. They also have some great motivational and instructional materials if you're having a bit of writer's block. Edit: Forgot to mention the link
We got 3 eligible pieces in now. I'll post links to them all tommorow, if you are on the following of Bitemenow15, Raaynn, or FluffeMarshmallo and would not like to be in the competition, PM me or state it here. Free cash, so might as well, we're not going to tell everyone how we graded your stuff if you're worried about that.