[Event] Bro's X-mas Giveaway!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Bro_im_infinite, Dec 7, 2014.


What is your Favorite color of Wool?

Light Blue 15 vote(s) 19.5%
Blue 23 vote(s) 29.9%
Pink 6 vote(s) 7.8%
Red 16 vote(s) 20.8%
Lime 27 vote(s) 35.1%
Dark Green 6 vote(s) 7.8%
Orange 12 vote(s) 15.6%
Purple 13 vote(s) 16.9%
Magenta 9 vote(s) 11.7%
Brown 6 vote(s) 7.8%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. First off, my favorite wool color is black. Wasn't on the choices. :p
    I'll have to think about my 3 items.
    I'd be glad to help out with some of the items, especially those who wanted the signs and logs (I gotchu :D), if you'd like. :)
    Awesome to see giveaways! Holidays are always fun and giving is just as great as receiving.
    Last thing: why I love EMC. The community! Like everyone said. And also the great events/promos. These make EMC unique! Also the staff is great and actively participate in the community.
    607 and Bro_im_infinite like this.
  2. Ender crystal
    Diamond supporter for a year
    A DC of diamond blocks

    galazeek, SlushyJushiez, 607 and 3 others like this.
  3. 1.Protection or Unbreaking Ench Books
    2. Books written by anyone
    3. Funny renamed items

    Thanks for doing this! Pretty cool...event? Whatever it is, its awesome
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  4. I like shiny flesh ._.
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  5. 1. Err- whatchamacallit. Shiny Turkey? Thing.. I never obtained one.
    2. A written book from you with content\story that would highly make my day better
    3. A renamed item in Minecraft that brings a smile upon reading its name.

    Err. Yeah, that's all I could think of asking. Thanks for this. :)
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  6. Thanks! :)
    1. Stick named whatever you want it to be named. ;)
    2. Whatever you want to give
    3. Whatever you want to give
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  7. WishList
    -Signed Book By You
    -IDK Something That Means Something
    -Something Renamed Something Funny
    So Mail I Just Want Something :p
    I <3 EMC Because It Is Unique And Isn't Like Other Servers It Has Things Like Promos Which Make The Game Awesome And It Has Custom Mobs Too, Lastly The People, The People Are What I Think Is What Makes Up A Great Server :D Merry Christmas To EVERYONE :cool:
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  8. Mainly* not Mail xD
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  9. 1. Couple of diamonds
    2. Quartz
    3. Anything beautiful :D

    I'm quite new on this server but I already enjoy the friendly atmosphere and excellent community unique to EMC. I love the special events special for each holiday and fun little community parties and giveaways such as this. :D
    NathanRP and Bro_im_infinite like this.
  10. Bump! Just updated donations list!
    Going to add the item donations hopefully tonight, whenever I figure out how to do spoilers :)
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  11. Wish List:
    1: Quartz flakes
    1: Quartz blocks
    1: Quartz ore
    P.s Any amount of these are fine as I know they are fairly expensive :)

    You have an amazing give-away here! :D <3
    607 and Bro_im_infinite like this.
  12. Dragon Stonessss yesss lots of dragon stonesss
    bucky291 and Bro_im_infinite like this.
  13. funny/random renamed items lol
  14. okay haha xD btw my cookies didnt count as that :p
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  15. Lots and lots of diamonds :D
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  16. 1. Renamed pufferfish (name it what you want :p)
    2. Quartz (? - bought in stores is heavy price tho)
    3. I saw girlfriend joke is already made, so Ill ask a six-pack (oh wait, I have one already :p)
    3. Nothing else

    I like EMC because it is unique and has friendly staff
    Patr1cV and Bro_im_infinite like this.
  17. All right got my wishlist!

    1. Diamonds
    2. Some promo (anything before this year's Labor Day, since that was my first promo event). I would reallllly like the IDay or Empire Firework, but really anything else is good since I don't have many old promos :p
    3. ??? I guess an Enderman head? Haven't got one of those yet.
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  18. My wishlist:
    1-Any Promo
    3-Some sort of unique item, which could be a renamed item :)

    Thanks heaps for doing this, Merry Christmas :)
  19. Wishlist:
    1.Signs (lots of them)
    2. Quartz
    3. Level 30 diamond pick axe

    Thanks for doing this, and a MERRY CHRISTMAS to all :)
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.