[Event] Advent Calendar Drop Party

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Velma_T_Jinkies, Nov 15, 2017.

  1. I warned you to be there or be square and well they were square
    607 and MissBonnieParker like this.
  2. actually more rectangular...lol!!!!!
    MissBonnieParker likes this.
  3. ... How does NuclearBobomb have a bed on his head?
    Edit: Oops, just read. :p It wasn't RainbowChin, this time! :rolleyes:
    Velma_T_Jinkies likes this.
  4. 11th night is gonna kick off shortly, come join the fun!!!
  5. Thanks for another fun night sorry i had to leave so early though
    Velma_T_Jinkies, 607 and Tbird1128 like this.
  6. WHAT!? We're on DAY 14 already!!
    We're gonna drop goods soon! You better be there!
  7. We are about to kick off the 17th night!!! Come join us!!!
  8. 18Th night is going to start @ 8pm EMC time. Come join us for some cool free stuff!!!
  9. OMG!!! Where has the time gone? There are only 2 Drops left in this crazy event!!! I really would like to take a minute to thank all of our very generous donors and sponsors! *Claps* You guys and girls really made this so much more special than it would have been. Since there are so many to list, many can be found on presents under the Christmas Tree on the drop res. Thank you so very much! Though there are so many that contributed items for our special days, there are a few that really made this possible by giving something more precious during this crazy, busy season...their time. I would like to thank MissBonnieParker, MrClydeBarrow, TBird1128, xSkitzie, Deltics55, Greenmeanie, and DJMC02. If it weren't for all of you, this build wouldn't have happened in the first place. THANK YOU!!!

    Now that all of the mushy stuff is outta the way, let's get back to business. Today's drop might be slightly delayed due to the holiday. IT WILL HAPPEN! On my honor, as a Girl Scout (28 years ago, shhhh) This is where it gets good...the drops. The drops have been increasing in value as we've progressed. Now they're gonna get really good. We have so much cool stuff to drop on ya, it's silly. We've been saving all of the soulbound, the vouchers, and the expensive stuff for the next two days! I hope all of you reading this can make it. Thank you all for making this event so special!!! Merry Christmahannukwanzica!!!!!
    MissBonnieParker likes this.
  10. The Big Day hath finally arrived!!! Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate! As promised the drop will take place tonight at 8pm EMC time. It will be the best one yet!!! We're dropping support vouchers, vault vouchers, promos and soulbound items, maybe a staff head, special player heads, expensive blocks and moar!!! You DO NOT wanna miss this!!! It will be the Epic-est of all of our drops yet! Go tell your grandma, go tell your dentist, go tell the annoying kid down the street!!! The Epic-est Drop is happening today!!!