[EVENT] 4266 Opening and Giveaway :D

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by ItsMeMatheus, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. I'll be there :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. Awwwwww

    POOO, i gotz to go like now, so close to making it to the grand opening XD

    Anyways, congratz on the grand opening, its just I always see your and ekl/WCG's creations and Im all like jealous and stuff, cuz, to be honest, you guys are pro, I mean, your so creative, and you make the coolest things. So, yeah XD

    I just wish I could be there to congratulate you at the actual party XD
  3. Aaaand it's over guys, for real now :p
    Thank you to everyone who went to one of the (2) events, hope you enjoyed it, it was a lot of fun :)
    -Advertisement time-
    Don't forget to shop at 4266 and donate if you will :D
    Equinox_Boss and WCG_Elite like this.
  4. Gosh dang my stupid ... Butt luck ! Missed it by 7 mins
    Equinox_Boss and WCG_Elite like this.
  5. Thanks for the partay math :3
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. Darn, I wasn't there. But good luck to opening!