Estonan Federation [Established]

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by wildbeast23, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. Let not fight over a silly name and just call it the Easter Rail
    Mrlegitislegit and godricsword2 like this.
  2. Its also part of the Estonan Federation so you would be close to maximus :)
  3. Are there any above ground trans-city rails? not nether rails.
    Also, i am drawing up infrastructure plans for the city i'd like to start. Maybe i could build it and then have it incorporated into the Estonan Federation?
  4. Yes there is overworld rail, they can be accessed in the Maximus rail station.
  5. And i'm not really very good at building like some people i know, but i am pretty good at designs and infrastructure.
  6. The Embassy Bill has passed, all embassies are required to be housed in their own building.
  7. Is this effective immediately?
    What is the penalty ?
  8. It is effective as of midnight.

    The penalty is that all embassies not contained within their own building are nullified as embassies, and if they do not move, the items inside the room it is contained in will be taken down and put inside a chest in the room. If the embassy owner bought the room, they can still continue to use the room, but not as an embassy.

    The purpose of this bill is to hold other nations accountable for the building and upkeep of their embassy.
    mba2012 likes this.
  9. Its the pazzo pantano rail. We just happen to be connected to it because nether mechanics.
    there is a overworld rail from wrem. To volt. To estona to ironwood. If you guys need more rail to change the system how queendiva is asking i have some... iron.
  10. Great, I'm forced to move embassy.
  11. there is a bridge to the island south of the ironwood cliffs, I am planning a ranch there to raise horses.
  12. Harrtv won't be happy, he had to pay 2000r
  13. Please try and keep this thread civil, as a general note. :)
    mba2012, devon699 and L0tad like this.
  14. wouldn't like a repeat of the first NR would we?
    Traynfreek likes this.
  15. ...
  16. No we wouldent
  17. Is there room for an expansion or remodel of the Maximus Station? it seems a bit cluttered and lacking room for future connections.
  18. Yes there is room for three more rail lines
  19. Otherwise we going dangerous and put a new station under it :)
    devon699 likes this.
  20. Fellow Estonans,

    It has come to my attention that the inly reason Maximus got it name was because 2 people didn't like it and 2 did but someone wasn't at the meeting to change the name and the two people that did like it where at the meeting and the meeting ended with a vote 1 - 2 the change the name to Maximus. I would like to revert the name to Fey City, as it is the historic name and the name that was original chosen by the founders, wildbeast23 and devon699. This vote is the revert the name back the Fey. If you like the idea say "yes'.
