(Established) Request to establish new outpost - Skyland

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by VoxyEm, Sep 15, 2018.

  1. Hello!

    I'm requesting to establish a new outpost on SMP7 -- thank you!
  2. OriginalScuf and I have a Gold farm a little ways away, and we have no objections :)
  3. Awesome, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. I only noticed that you technically posted this in the wrong forum, normally you place these requests here. Now, EMC is a very relaxed server so once a staff member spots this I'm sure it won't be a problem, but just in case I reported your post and asked staff if they could move it to the right forum so that you won't risk getting overlooked by accident.

    Don't worry: you're not in trouble or anything (on EMC you don't only report posts when people break the rules, you sometimes also report if you simply need help from staff). And best of luck to you!
    JesusPower2, VoxyEm and Silken_thread like this.
  4. Whoops. Sorry about that! Thanks for spotting the issue for me!
  5. Thanks for letting us know before even asking JP that it was ok. =D

    VoxyEm, you are now the owner of your new outpost Skyland. Enjoy!
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  6. JP invited me to EMC! I swear I kept it on the up and up! :D Thank you!!!