[Established] Agartha

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Bravo_Zulu, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. Claim Request:

    Name: Agartha
    Server: SMP7

    A chest has been placed with a [locked] sign atop of it. The 3000 block square area on the 'Lave Map' was all black before I entered it. The closest structure is just over 3000 blocks away to the SE. The closest non-black area is just over 3000 blocks to the SW.

    By the way, I have a few [locked] chests within the Frontier as I have been wandering around and plan to collect them up once I have an established claim.

    I don't have anyone with me at the moment as I am relatively new so I am making this claim alone. My previous name was Karpenko and the current name Tetronis will change in a couple weeks if that makes any difference.

    Please message me for specifics if required.

    Thank you
    TomvanWijnen and cubefragment like this.
  2. Hope there is nothing in your way Karp.:)
  3. Congrats you're established :) have fun!
  4. Congratulation Karpenko/Tetronis/ whatever your you name will be. :) If you anything or help with anything let me know.