[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. no, but just make sure you tell us the username if you go on with any other account
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  2. As SEP said and thanks for the heads up. It's always weird to come across an unknown player in the city. And then one never knows if it is a real alt. I'll update the member list with your alts name.

    Edit: Come on guys keep on posting :D!
  3. 1. In-game name: Mobioid
    2. Timezone: EST
    3. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Somewhere around 3.5 years
    4. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason: No
    5. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall/another big project: Eventually I plan to open a shop/mall, but that's not going to be anytime soon. I do plan to do a big project in Carthaga, if possible, though. :)
    6. What is your favourite Minecraft activity: Exploring new places...or maybe Mob Fighting
    7. Why do you want to join PoC: I would like to find a group of people I can always find to play some MC with and share some comradery with.
    8. Which of the 8 commandments do you find most important: #8
    BTW, I am also a member of Farbranch on SMP7, so...HEY SEP!
    AshBlue789, SEPTHEKID and Kaizimir like this.
  4. Dear Carthaganians,

    Today I want to forward my compliment for the achievement of reaching the 2000th post in the Carthaga thread. The thread tells a great story of devotion and persistence, as well as it is a significant contribution to Empire Minecraft in its whole. The words to describe the pleasure when reading it from the beginning to the end can only be joy and honor. Honor to be part of such an exquisite community.

    I am grateful for the respect each of the posts show towards the next and the friendship that is expressed in its entirety. We left haters, trolls and flamewars behind us, can scratch these from our vocabulary and will continue to flourish in kindness and peace.

    From the many screenshots presented, events announced and jokes told one can only conclude that the People of Carthaga embrace one ideal of the game: Have fun! The notes about individual breaks, returns and support give a sense of common bond. And the many maps, tech talks and sharing of ideas show our dedication towards a better, more efficient and modern place.

    That brings me to what the thread is genuinely about:
    A place in a virtual world, where we meet our friends and that many of us consider a digital home. The name of this place is: City of Carthaga. What a beautiful corner we have created: Situated next to flower forests and sunflower fields, it offers safety and comfort. Some might even say, more than in smp-town, because it combines the convenience of an infinite world while at the same time being a retreat from the dangers posed by the wilderness. No matter if it is hunting, exploring, farming or construction: Carthaga can be the platform for all this and much more.

    Already it is one of the most influential outposts Empire Minecraft accommodates: Along these lines, the approach we developed inspires other outposts, we made friends with our allies on smp5, 7 and 9, as well as keep on nurturing our inter-outpost relations. The PoC auctions are slowly recognized by the forum society and last but not least, we have made immense efforts to support a number of projects in the realms of Empire Minecraft.

    But to me the People of Carthaga are even more than that: Good friends I can share with and receive a lot from. Since its existence I learned a great deal about Minecraft itself, be a multiplayer online gamer and to better respect the opinions of others.

    Now, I want to return back to the forums for a moment, as it is not solely the 2000th post, the 100th page or the recent 1st year annual we want to celebrate. There is another jubilee achieved by Carthaga: More than 100 members in the list! Outstanding, thanks to a strong community.

    But here, I want to point out a challenge that we need to engage in in the future: Many members achieved a rank in Carthaga. Fifteen earned a good coal rank and almost as many reached a rank higher than that. In contrast there are many more that never achieved a rank. Mostly, these players never reached Carthaga or have been there only once or twice and fell inactive for Carthaga afterwards. As a first step to overcome this, I want to introduce the new Carthaga motto:

    Come as a guest, stay as a friend!

    For a prospective solution, I am eagerly awaiting the pending land protection bound to the 'Dragon Tombs' update. At the advent of these changes to game play on Empire Minecraft we will have many opportunities to live up to the aforementioned motto.

    But most of all, I cannot wait to see what Carthaga will be in the next year, what ideas and innovations we will spark and how the creativity of such a vivid community can shape a game like Minecraft.

    For me it remains to show my gratitude towards the veteran members, who have invested much of there time and are the heart of Carthaga. Thank you for your commitment and for always being there! And also the new members deserve recognition, for being the hands and feet, delivering resources and services. Thank you for joining and your interest in the community.

    Yours sincerely,


    July 18th, 2015

    Edit: Wuhu, made it again! Bazinga :):);)

    This is post 2000 on page 100, and who posted it??
  5. I think I did kai ;)
    *removes old post*
    Uhm... Lets not do that again xD
    EDIT: I expected some fancy announcements lol
    Patr1cV likes this.
  6. Hehe, I gonna write a nice speech on the weekend...
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  8. Gawadrolt and Scorpio528 like this.
  9. 1. In-game name: KarateKitKat
    2. Timezone: Pacific Timezone
    3. How long have you been playing Minecraft: For about 3 years
    4. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason: Nope
    5. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall/another big project: I just finished my castle/mall so not currently :)
    6. What is your favourite Minecraft activity: I enjoy building and hanging out with friends
    7. Why do you want to join PoC: I want to get more involved in the EMC community and have always wanted to help out with an amazing project.
    8. Which of the 8 commandments do you find most important: 1 and 3
    AshBlue789 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  10. Dear Mobioid and KarateKitKat, sorry for the delay in my response. I hope you are still interested in our community and you are welcome to join. I invited you to the Starter's guide including the way description. Please read the provided information and get accustomed to the other sources of Carthaga related stuff, eg the webpage.
    Looking forward to meet you soon,

    That sounds very promising :) and we are always looking for large scale projects. What did you plan to do?
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  11. 1. In-game name: ChickenDice
    2. Timezone: Central Time Zone
    3. How long have you been playing Minecraft: About 3 years
    4. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason: No
    5. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall/another big project: I was in the process of building a mall but due to complications with other parties and building expense, it was put off to a later date.
    6. What is your favourite Minecraft activity: Building and interacting with others
    7. Why do you want to join PoC: It sounds like a load of fun :D
    8. Which of the 8 commandments do you find most important: Number 8
    AshBlue789 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  12. Thanks! I can't wait to get started!
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  13. I currently have plans for a vast underground complex. I've been looking for the ideal place to start working, and I think Carthaga would be a great spot. :) Ideally, it'll take up only about 40x40 surface area, but expand outwards underground. It's one of those projects that's never really complete, but looks amazing even when it's in progress. :)
    Kaizimir, ChickenDice and SEPTHEKID like this.
  14. This could be good....
    Kaizimir likes this.
  15. Hey ChickenDice, PoC are happy to welcome you! Please follow the instructions in the Starter's Guide I sent you.
    Hope to see you soon,

    I couldn't agree more with Scorpio. While the surface is pretty well developed, the underground of Carthaga is merely more than a bunch of dark tunnels and caveates.

    Please check out the 2000th post. The speech is up! Took quite some time to write, so please make sure to read it ;)
  16. carthaga is stealing 80% of my gtx 980's fps
  17. And, does it lag? Because I, by far haven't got such a setup or graphics adapter...still little to no lag :confused: I really don't get this computational power thing and Minecraft...
  18. So, just yesterday I tried to get onto EMC but it wouldn't allow me online. It kept giving me the exact same messages over and over again for some kind of error. I tried refreshing Minecraft many times over, refreshed my internet connection, and even tried rebooting my computer, and nothing seemed to work. :(

    After PhoenixMaster54 and SEPTHEKID both explained to me what was happening, I then understood why I couldn't log in properly. The DDoS attack is spreading from the really big servers to the smaller ones. It seems the mean person is trying to shut down all the servers on Minecraft one step at a time... But why? What is he trying to accomplish by doing this? Money? Fame? Just to annoy so many people? Did something happen that caused him to hate Minecraft :(? I don't know, but I hope whoever it is gets their just desserts and stops this soon... I hope they catch him or her and we can all finally play again. :)
  19. Someone created a thread about this. I have the same problem
  20. They were also attacking other servers like the US government's servers and it's a group of people, not just one
    Gawadrolt likes this.