[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. All fixed now. :)
  2. I think this is a great idea, perhaps members could receive one once they have been promoted to coal rank?
    Glory to Carthaga!! ("Papers, Please" reference for anyone who's played it) :)
  3. Thats a great game :D I think that they should get to at least coal rank as well to receive one. Or it could be like an actual government, where you have to live in Canada for about 4 to 5 years and then you can get a citizenship. But instead it could be for at least a week or something.
  4. Where's the rail to get to Carthaga?
  5. I think it is a great idea. But will make a bit of work to make all the books and make sure everybody receives it, which on the other hand makes it an important and responsible specialization. So, if you are up for it, I am too :)

    I think BabyCreepers is right. It makes no sense to make a passport for every newbie. Coal rank seems to be the right rank making it even more important then before (+townplot, +mailbox, +passport).

    Hi Jake, Before we can show you the entrance you need to become a member. How to apply is described in the first post of this thread.
  6. Okay, thanks! :)
  7. P.o.C -S.W.A.T

    Since the pass few weeks carthaga has been griefed by EMC player's.
    Me and Toby have had a idea about 'P.o.C S.W.A.T' To protect Carthaga from these kinda things.

    As a member of Carthaga Swat Team you must follow the following rules:
    • Always be respectful to others
    • Never give up on a crime scene
    • You still have to follow EMC rules ( /rules )
    • Always tell SEPTHEKID/Toby31/Kaizmir of any griefings
    • Try not to break the block's that are around the crime scene
    • Do not take this as a joke
    • If found a griefing, report to staff
    Members list of Carthaga Swat team: (*= Sr.Officer)("=Officer)

    1. SEPTHEKID *
    2. Toby316625 *
    3. Tehrandomx "
    4. Rainbowpony1000"
    5. SweetCutey "
    6. 5corpio528(Scorpio528) "
    7. BabyCreeperRules "
    8. Suriyakeng "
    9. Ashblue789 "
    10. Haastregt "
    So good luck to all and be safe
    AshBlue789 likes this.
  8. two things:
    1) didn't you already post this?

    2) you spelt Haas' name wrong
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  9. what john said
  10. I think he updated it ... for the people who are POC Swat Members
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  11. It's a bump as the old post is long gone and I'll fix it =p
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  12. What does S.W.A.T stand for? :p
  13. I'd presume it'd stand for what SWAT usually stands for, which is "Special Weapons and Tactics", however I don't think that really represents what the POC SWAT do (we don't really use weapons, do we)
    But I'm not too sure - I didn't make the name :p
    Rainbowpony1000 likes this.
  14. Yes we do, our weapons are our brains
    herocrafter2912 and AshBlue789 like this.
  15. 1. In-game name: DemonThunder345
    2. Timezone: Pacific time zone
    3. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since December 26th 2012 So over 2 years
    4. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason: yea yea yea I've been banned on this server a bit before for reasons because I was bored a long time ago. But o left the server for over 150 days and I promis I won't be annoying, I didnt like grief or anything.
    5. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall/another big project: well, I've had many big builds like my famous Quartz palace, my blue mall/hotel, and some small other things.
    6. What is your favourite Minecraft activity: Having fun I guess, like exploring with friends or fighting big bosses
    7. Why do you want to join PoC: I used to own a huge outpost called le Eden due, I'm not going to explain all about that but it was epic, I want to join PoC because I'm looking for something fun to do on this server and make new friends. Since 90% of my old friends are gone :(
    8. Which of the 8 commandments do you find most important: 8: Having fun - because having fun is the whole part of the video game. Duh
  16. Hi DemonThunder345, thanks for your application. I invited you to a private convo about it.
  17. Anything new in Carthaga? Im curious....
  18. Nothin much is really going on in Carthaga, for now it's seem to be only the nether rail gets improvement
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  19. 1. In-game name: Evesthery
    2. Timezone: EST
    3. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Roughly a year.
    4. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason: I was kicked once because the server was full. :confused:
    5. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall/another big project: Not ATM.
    6. What is your favourite Minecraft activity: Using redstone! :D
    7. Why do you want to join PoC: I think it sounds like a really nice protected outpost.
    8. Which of the 8 commandments do you find most important: #6
    AshBlue789 likes this.
  20. Hey Kai, I think I just gonna start to take down these Chrismas decorations now. It is the time