[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. hey all sorry i haven't been on much but got alot going on in rl we are getting ready to buy a house and i have been spending all my free time working on the house we are buying so we can move in once we sign the papers once we get into it and settled i will be on more please don't give my house or kids house away we will be back thanks all and hope to be in new home soon
    Scorpio528, SEPTHEKID and Kaizimir like this.
  2. umm my friend olvierbenji told me to ask the person incharge of cathaga if i could join ....
  3. 1. IGN: TehrandomX
    2. Timezone: UK - 4 hours behind
    3. How old are you on EMC: 178 days
    4. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason: for attempting to scam someone (temp ban)
    5. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall: i might build a mega mall or have one but im not sure i want one
    6. Why do you want to join PoC: So i can make Cathaga even better than i is and it will definitely be hard as it is so good
    7. Summarize in one sentence Carthaga's mission: to be involved in EMC on-going projects and to send recorses and rupees to them
    Kaizimir likes this.
  4. Wow James,
    congratulations to the new house. I wish you all good luck and lots of fun with it. But don't forget, when working on the house, put up enough torches especially on the roof, to prevent Creepers blowing it up ;) Of course we will keep your stuff in Carthaga, no problem. Hope you'll be done soon and come back to play with us :)
    jameslikens likes this.
  5. Hey, Kai. I am currently bringing redstone to PoC. Is there anything else PoC needs? I would like to help out a lot and possibly get some points.
    Kaizimir likes this.
  6. Kai, I have failed the Witch farm at the Blue Orchid farm's place,
    but the good news is, I've started the new one and I have tested and it works!!! my 2nd time of making Witch farm works very well only witches spawning in the area.

    Btw I still need to finished it, it's not yet complete. Still need to make fall damage trap, placing torches around the area (128x128 and underground caves) and making a sky afking spot (y:180 exactly above the Witch Farm) and also making item elevator + sorting system.

    Dangit lot of things to do xD
    Scorpio528 and Kaizimir like this.
  7. Hey herocrafter,
    thanks for the redstone, we definitely can use it :) Some more help is also very welcome; you can speak with SEP, Scorpio or Suri, they can always use resources or help. Alternatively check the posted jobs in the job centre in Carthaga.
    And of course you receive the points for your help. Just write down what you did and send me the list when you are ready for a promotion.

    Hey Suri,
    that sounds awesome. I'll be online later today and will check out the new farm. Btw, can you use help or resources for the witch farm or the wither farm? I think herocrafter is looking for jobs (see above) ;)

    Hope to see you guys later...
    herocrafter2912 and Scorpio528 like this.
  8. never gonna be accepted am i at this rate .-.
  9. Carthaga Towers

    Hi all,
    I am making on 8097@smp4 Two towers that will look like a H . This tower is like a trading HQ where we give our thing's to the project maker.

    The tower will need:
    • Dc of Iron blocks
    • 2 Dc's of white and brown Clay Blocks
    • Dc of Spruce Logs
    • 2 Dc of Coal Blocks(Coal Is needed the most)

    (Bug. i can't upload photo's; So just click on the link)
    When you do any one on this list Kai will give you points
    Thing done now on the building : (this pic will update every day)

    This Project is big as we know But it will be done around 4-10 weeks and it will bring Carthaga to the high sky's
    and Carthaga will have much more people then every!
    Do Take NOTE: I'm Only Building the two Towers NOT putting stuff in it (I will only put little things in VERY LITTLE)

    (This is just to update the Tower's with you guy's)
  10. Haha, I ll meet you online. You live on smp4, right?
  11. lol this made me laugh wonder what my neighbors would think if i had torches on the roof. HAha i would have to tell them its to keep creepers away
  12. im on mp5 yes but in nether :I
  13. Thanks for your application. I started a pm with you about it. We need to discuss some stuff.
  14. The Witch Farm it's completed
    but still a little bit problem there, but no big deal.

    Just read and follow these signs that I've put there
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  15. Witch Farm looks awesome and i love the item elevator, like magic ... gotta figure that out one day
  16. Hello POC, I would like to drop by and see what you've built. Are visitors allowed? Could someone PM me the coordinates?
    SEPTHEKID and Scorpio528 like this.
  17. Wow. At this rate, it's only a matter of time before we colonize the whole world.
    Dibs on Southeast Euronasia!
  18. Dang it, spotted my biggest problem at the Witch Farm "chunkloading" and it's happens to the item elevator.
    After I have been tested a while it seems doesn't work out, cuz all the items gets despawned while its freeze and unloaded, why? cuz the sky afking spot it's at the same area as the elevator is, so if gets freeze to long in the glass
    the items will just despawned.

    I may remove the sky afk spot and start to light up all the caves underground :(
  19. Where can I find the full members list?
  20. Nooo!!!! not the sky afk spot!!! :(