[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. What we need for new apartments:
    -Lots of cactus green dye
    - lots of clay and hardened clay
    -lots of glass
  2. Okay so I have an idea for a fun building/attraction for Carthaga that one of the new members could build to get some job points: The Carthage Trampoline and Air Sports Park. Basically it would just be a large flat area covered with slime blocks with tall towers dotted throughout. People could bounce from tower to tower and fly around when elytra come out. We could even have races to see who can get to a certain tower the quickest! I would love to help if anyone wants to do this, but I am already involved in too many other projects to do it alone.
    gladranger7 and TotoStyle like this.
  3. I've got this covered. I've got a DC of cactus sitting around somewhere. I'll bring it out today when I can get on.
  4. Right now we really need clay. Carthage is all out of it, and it is needed for new apartments. So please put some in storage if you have any. Ill be on the lookout for a clay auction.
  5. As own wilderness resident. with a few places. I like to give Carthaga 1 stack of clay. Woulf be nice to see Carthaga. Just tell me where to drop the stack of clay.

    Owner of Terra, Demeter, Calydon
  6. I would love to help! plz let me know when!
  7. It depends on who is in town right now and will be coming to Carthaga soon. As for seeing Carthaga, that might happen soon with the anti-greif and empires updates coming out soon!
  8. Also we need a lot of spruce wood for multiple projects so if anyone can get some please do. A dc would be great, there might be job points involved.
  9. The new apartments are coming along pretty nicely:

    I am still in need of lots of clay (like a dc), glass (2 dcs), spruce wood (dc), and sea lanterns (like a sc) though. If you can get some please put them in storage and notify me. Also, thanks SepTheKid for helping me get the design down and helping build it today!

    Edit: And I need like a sc of cactus green dye too
  10. I've brought out a DC of glass and a SC of Cactus (currently converting to the Cactus Green dye. Glass is in the sorter. Dye will be in the auto/super/whatever smelter.
    SepTheKid likes this.
  11. Next time I see you, I can give you more sea lanterns
  12. I've noticed that the smelter is not working properly. I'm assuming this is because some one put non-smeltable items in the items chest. I don't know how to fix it without breaking it though.
  13. Remove the wrong items out of the chest and the hoppers and furnance
  14. I can't get to the furnaces though, the hoppers are in the way
  15. Momentus behind the large overworld gold farm (Ice Plains) ... since I suck at fighting, I died out there ... someone have fun fighting it :)
    gladranger7 and TotoStyle like this.
  16. I was looking through the older posts for this thread and found this. It seems like a good idea. Maybe we should revive it.
    haastregt likes this.
  17. Hi guys I'm just here to tell you that...
    %|¥!|£\•.€•\..Oh No! My..>]*|£!{.£...Signal is being€{+|¥~€¥...hacked!]^*~+}¥}+¥}

    Muhahaha! Hello People of Carthaga! I am the Fooler King! I have a little message for you: Beware! My powers grow stronger the closer it gets to the Day of Fools! Look out because I have plans for Carthaga! See you next month!

    ^}€{+\=+{+|%% **}&@&/&/@

    Okay I'm back I just wanted to tell you guys that I am leaving for vacation tomorrow night and won't be back till next Sunday. I'll share some pics!
    gladranger7 and Jinkers like this.
  18. Anyone gonna be one soon? I'm lonely:(
  19. My application:

    In Game Name: w0rld_craft3r
    Time Zone: Eastern US
    How Long have you been paying MC: around 3-4 years
    Have you been kicked/banned and what is the reason: Kicked; AFK Banned; The one who banned me did it by accident
    Do you plan on having a big project: Yes, but in the far future.
    What Is your favorite Minecraft activity: Playing EMC
    Why do you want to join POC: I wanted to be more active in the community
    Which of the eight commandments do you find most important: All of them!
  20. I don't matter but u look good to me! gl! :)
    w0rld_craft3r likes this.