Enraged farm

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by BFInc, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. my picture is what a modular dark room looks like
  2. Would my design work?
  3. it would, but it would not be very effective
  4. Hmmmm, so it just wouldnt spawn that much
  5. If you just wondering ...it is of course possible :D

    ver. 1

    ver. 2

    Dont' look here...

    Pretty useless for now...
    and that was so long ago....

  6. Is that a private farm?
  7. yes.
    Bro_im_infinite and Gadget_AD like this.
  8. I think the spawning conditions for enraged mobs are basically the same as regular ones. Enraged mobs have more health, though, and are immune to lava/fire.
    So basically, you should be able to just make a regular black box mob farm, then kill all the regular mobs with a height drop or with lava (lava may be better because it lets your sword do a higher percentage of damage to the enraged mobs). Then hack away at the enraged mobs with a looting 3 sword.
    Makes sense in theory, anyway.
    Mr_Zulus and Kaizimir like this.
  9. I was going to go with some kind of machine using pistons and lava since (to the best of my knowledge) netherhounds are the only mobs able to spawn in lava.
  10. i dont think they spawn in lava....they have a large sight range tho and swim up from it or jump down from the nether-roof
    Kaizimir likes this.
  11. How come you always see them in the middle of lava lakes when theres no spawning areas above them that they could have fallen into.
  12. an "enraged farm" or an "enraged mob farm"?
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  13. i may be wrong, but ive noticed they spawn in caves under the lava and swim up, or spawn in little outcroppings way up on the nether roof and jump off
    Mirr0rr likes this.