Enabling existing but blocked flags

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by JackBiggin, Jun 27, 2012.

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  1. To the Jack test server!
    And ICC, tut tut tut. The edit button exists for a reason. Bad cow.
    thecontroller likes this.
  2. I personally feel multiple posts are okay if they're addressing a different question/person. I don't think it's okay for things like:

    Post 1: So I was thinking...
    Post 2: I have this idea...
    Post 3: Look a shiny thing.
    JackBiggin likes this.
  3. I will be keeping this post bookmarked...
  4. Of course you are right about that being correct as well... I noticed this a while back and hadn't had the opportunity to post about it until now lol
  5. I need a cool quote from someone to put in my signature... this could work

    Then again... doesn't really make any sense out of context... or in context
    JackBiggin likes this.
  6. I think the animal flag may stop egging temporarily. Or at least squids spawning:

    From the idiots guide to the residence plugin:
    To me, it pretty much says that it could block egging
  7. hmm well time for another tnt test cept with animal flag.. ICC, ready to have some fun with animals?
  8. You mean his relatives?
  9. #MeLikey! :D
    BobTheTomato9798 likes this.
  10. That sounds incredibly wrong.
    MR2R2M, chickeneer and JackBiggin like this.
  11. Depends on the definition of wrong :p
    IcecreamCow likes this.
  12. wait.. cmon you thought I meant it like that? Wow. Man people can take things seriously different than what they mean :confused:
  13. I know you didn't mean it like that, I was just joking. :)
  14. And remember that this is coming from a cow with a lolly stick up it's bum.
    MR2R2M and chickeneer like this.
  15. Animal flag just prevents animal spawning, it doesn't prevent animals from the outside from suddenly getting inside the residence. If one were to use an animal egg or a animal spawn egg, it wouldn't spawn. It's a simple solution for the egging problem, I have no idea why were prevented from using that flag.

    Also for sub zones I tried asking JustinGuy that, he said it would put too much strain on the server because the server has to calculate the sub zone too. Which makes sense I guess.
  16. What about a hostile mob spawning flag for supporters and staff?

    They could set an area for mobs to spawn and build a grinder for this area on their res. Justin could make it so mobs cannot exit the residence in question, keeping town a friendly place, and of course damage would still be impossible.

    It would be a much safer alternative to wild grinders which would significantly lower the cost of many goods due to their availability solely in Town.
    This would bolster the economy to new heights, which would accompany the 1.3 update well ^_^
  17. This idea wouldn't happen because it would basically make XP/Mob farming pointless in the wild. If you're 100% safe while able to collect goods/xp from hostile mobs, it kinda takes away the point of them being "hostile".
    teynom_harem and chickeneer like this.
  18. ICC will have sneaked into Justinland and blocked it so people can spawn cows for him to talk to. I thought that was obvious? :)
  19. Having the animal flag as positive wont spawn animals.
  20. Brain overloaded... Can't think of witty response...

    Blame ICC.
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