Empire Beautification Squad!!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Sazukemono, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. So, this is just a little idea that came to me when I was considering the prettiness of the recent build battle finals reses on utopia. I do love gardens, as you may know. However, I don't know about very many of them. They may not exist, or it might just be that they need some good publicity. The main goal of this thread is as the title suggests: make the empire and all its SMPs beautiful with parks and gardens for all residents of our wonderful community.

    I have a few reses on 7 and a couple more I can scatter across the smps but there's no way I'd be able to build gardens and parks on them all and upkeep them in a timely manner. And I do want them on each smp! What's the use of a pretty park if you have to stop chatting and leave your friends to go enjoy it?

    To put it plainly, I'd like the +garden and +park tags to be more commonly used. I'd love for there to be a handful of residences on each smp where people can just go to relax and enjoy the scenery or kick back and just have some fun. I know there are a handful of theme-park and entertainment based reses out there, and those absolutely qualify too!

    If you'd like to help me in this, please reply here and we can get something going - maybe even a group build project or some kind of collaboration! I really think this will be a lot of fun and I'm excited to hear what y'all have to say about it!

    By the way, if you already have a park/garden-like res that you think fits with this plan, smack a tag on it and spread the word!
  2. It might also be really cool to have an address-book of sorts for these types of reses too. If you know the address of one, put it here and I'll update this list (sorted by smp of course because what are we, animals?) ;)
  3. That's a great idea Saz! I look forward to seeing more parks and gardens across the smps! =D
  4. Awesome idea! Can't wait to see all dem bootiful parks and gardens and possibly help out with them! Hehe :)
  5. That'd be nice, maybe I can clear a res to do that. ;)
  6. I've got a few reses I can donate! Also, /v +directory on smp7 is my directory/bookstore. I could also put directories on both my smp3 and smp8 reses!
    Wonderful idea, Saz! I would love to help :D
    Sazukemono, MoreMoople and We3_MPO like this.
  7. I love gardens! Not just in Minecraft, but also IRL and in other games. However, I'm likely to build most of my Minecraft gardens at the MPO and in my SP worlds.

    Although, this is a great idea! And speaking of gardening, I think (but I'm not sure) I might want to be a gardener when I grow up, which may actually be a good thing for me to do because it'd combat climate change, plus I love trees/flowers, and I live in a humid, subtropical climate where plant nurseries are very common.
  8. Sounds like a great idea, the EMC landscaper(tm) aproves this :)

    I might have some things currently being designed that might very well please you...
    We3_MPO, MoreMoople and Sazukemono like this.
  9. Its a nice idea, but I'm slightly disappointed, cause from the title I thought maybe you were going to suggest people fix the blown up areas around frontier spawns!
  10. When my alt gets diamond, I'll have 2 residences then that I can turn into parks :D
  11. When I get diamond, I'm going to be doing a private project thing on one, then a park on the other C:
  12. I already have a res on 8 that's a park of sorts (although, I will admit, it could use a bit of touching up), so I'll have to give it those tags. Thanks for the idea! :)
  13. One day!
    derp_duckie, MoreSeflYT and We3_MPO like this.
  14. Two new +park and +garden res's have been started under my name! Will be finished in the next week or two. :)