EMC Wealth

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by jacob5089, Jan 24, 2019.


How many rupees do you (on all accounts combined, if you have alts) have?

More than ten million 11 vote(s) 12.8%
10,001-25,000 2 vote(s) 2.3%
25,001-50,000 2 vote(s) 2.3%
50,001-100,000 6 vote(s) 7.0%
100,001-250,000 5 vote(s) 5.8%
250,001-500,000 11 vote(s) 12.8%
500,001-1,000,000 7 vote(s) 8.1%
1,000,000-2,500,000 18 vote(s) 20.9%
2,500,001-5,000,000 14 vote(s) 16.3%
5,000,001-10,000,000 10 vote(s) 11.6%
  1. 70,000 rupees and counting. I use to have more but I bought old things and new things..
    607 and jacob5089 like this.
  2. We talking about rupees or rupees and the liquidated value of all our items?
    Gawadrolt and jacob5089 like this.
  3. When's your next give away? :D
  4. After the current one.. a year
    takes time to rebuild
    MaglorYavetil and ThaKloned like this.
  5. Do a 1r giveaway lol
  6. Between my accounts i have a total of 25mil in liquid funds (rupees) as well as a heafty amount of promos
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  7. For anyone answering in the future, we'll go ahead and make it liquidated value :)
    FadedMartian likes this.
  8. Most r I’ve had is near 6 mil if I hadn’t spent some right away could’ve been 8mil
    jacob5089 likes this.
  9. How do you get a lot of money fast with not much pain??
  10. Oh... but how would one measure that? I'm sure most of us technically have over 10 million in liquidated value, because if only one of us would sell all his promos, he would make 10 million. However, if all of us would do that, we mightn't even make a million per person, as the supply would be much higher than the demand.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  11. Just an estimation using current prices, or the best estimate you can get :)
  12. You don't: that is the very reason money has any value at all.

    If everyone would be able to get a lot of money easily, it wouldn't be a lot anymore, because everyone would do that. Meaning the amount of extra wealth you get for something easy doesn't depend on the amount of rupees it produces, as money only has a value because we give it a value, and the value we give it depends on how hard it is to get.

    Though, if you don't alredey, defenetly vote. It's a great base income to plan investments around. And next to that: don't impulse-buy: I always have a calculater on my desk and I use it all the time when I'm buying/selling stuff.

    You might need a different scale for that though :rolleyes:
  13. i have 2 r!
    Gawadrolt, jacob5089 and ThaKloned like this.
  14. Lets just say I do not vote :)
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  15. I'll answer for myself I suppose.
    I've been playing on EMC for seven years now, and in that time I can't recall ever having more than 150k or so. I've never been a big fan of focusing on the economy and just kind of do whatever I feel like doing, and if I need a lot of materials or anything I'm more likely to go out and get them myself than buy them.
    Gawadrolt and 607 like this.
  16. On this account.

    liamwill, Ariesis, MoreMoople and 5 others like this.
  17. You need to start buying more shovels apparently.
  18. :O I buy a lot of shovels from u.
  19. And I appreciate it too :)
    FadedMartian and 607 like this.
  20. My rupee wealth isn't very much compared to some people; I usually don't go above much more than a million.


    If you count promos, I like to think I have a decent collection of them :D
    Gawadrolt likes this.