EMC Updates

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Releias, Sep 28, 2017.

  1. lol
  2. What do you mean by 'reset your stuff'? Aren't you using one of the newer launchers (post-1.6), where you create multiple profiles and set each of them to different versions? Being able to switch the version for one of them within seconds?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. Agreed, and looking back it would probably also have been better if they applied a few extra tests as well.

    But there's a major problem with this: hindsight. Although there are definitely quite a few examples in the past where in-game problems could have been avoided with better testing you also have to keep in mind that this whole endevour isn't done by some big company who keeps multiple people on the payroll and everything. EMC is first and foremost a hobby project by Aikar.

    And yes, I am perfectly aware that they're also trying to monetize on the whole thing and the existence of Starlis is also no secret. Doesn't change my argument though.

    But this also means that a lot of things happening on the Empire are done on 'best effort'. So sometimes things can go a little wrong. No need to freak out, just report the issue(s) and you can rest assured that it will be fixed as soon as possible.

    As to your question why.

    Minecraft is a game which continues to get updates, and eventually EMC needs to follow and keep up otherwise they risk people coming online who expect to get a certain in-game feature (like the recipe book) only to discover that it doesn't work. That's really no good and a sure way to tick people off.

    The best way to avoid all this is to make sure that your Minecraft launcher profile is fixed to a specific game version. So right now that would be 1.12.2. Then stay there until they announce an upgrade or... stuff like this happens :D

    But do get used to it (a little) because things like these are bound to happen again. However... normally any updates and such get announced.
    607 likes this.
  4. I mean reseting it from 1.12.2 to 1.12.1 to 1.12 back to 1.12.2 to 1.12.1, ect
  5. we STILL need to be notified before this server gets updated-
    like ALOT of people pointed out in the server problems thread there was ALOT of problems with the update with things that used to be compatible with it (i.e. mods, maps, ect) not working BECAUSE of this update
    theres also now ALL the mods that don't work because of the update too
  6. Normally we do, but.. you know, sometimes things just happen.

    Don't get me wrong: I agree with you. But I also know that the developers are honestly doing their utmost best to make this thing work, but sometimes things just don't work as planned.
    607 and ComicalCanine like this.
  7. I understand.
    still a heads up woulda been nice (just saying so not trying to be rude or offstandish or arguementative or whatever just stating a commonly shared thought) so that the players that were on didn't htink that they no longer had access to the server
    ShelLuser likes this.
  8. A heads up would be nice. Also you being less dramatic over it would also be nice.

    Updates happens. As Aikars thread said there was issues he worked on them.

    As shel said this isn't a huge company with many people working on it.

    And as I say. Chill out.
  9. I have been chill-
    I just don't like not getting a heads up about these things (just in case things like this happens that way everyone has a idea of whats going on/what happened)
    I think I mentioned it in a previous post but I was having a panic thinking that I'd been kicked from the server (anxiety sucks and my SD was trying her best)
    ShelLuser and WardleDeBoss like this.
  10. The only thing we usually give heads up on is minecraft version updates.
    Small patches like this one we don't always give a heads up, but sometimes I do give a notice 15 mins or so before to tell people to log out and start prepping their mods.

    Last night was just a bit of a rush and I was not in the normal "zone" of thought process as I had been out of commision for near a month at that point.

    But for updates that introduce bugs, those will always happen, without any warning, and will be subject to rapid reboots to fix the problems, as we did last night.

    I do try my best to wait for this stuff until around midnight EMC time or later, but last night was special as I had to be up extra early to take pet to vet to get neutered, and combined with all the stress of the intense hours ive worked lately.

    I needed to do it earlier, and to be fair there was less than 100 people on, with likely 30 AFK, which is around my ball park for doing updates anyways.

    But yeah, MC version updates we do try to give notice where they are impactful, but last night was a little rougher than normal.

    But for normal non MC updates.... understand they will happen, they will have bugs, there will be reboots. These are on my schedule with me weighing in disruption to number of online players, balanced with the risk of me having to stay up late fixing things.