EMC Time Capsule 2016

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Dec 29, 2015.

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  1. Sick! Although, I may not be able to come D: will have to get something sorted out.
  2. I'm so excited to open my time capsule, I know I've got some promos in there and I definitely wrote a book about my year and my "friends list" so this should be interesting to read :p

    So much has changed over this year, I know the book I write will be very different to the one I wrote last year :3
    FDNY21 and ObscureGolem like this.
  3. Yep, I'm verrry confused. ;_;

  4. How can we better explain ?
    If you put something in from 2014 you can get it out at this event

    If you want to put something away for a year you can do it at this event.
    Suggestions: a book detailing who you are friends with in game how much rupees you have and any projects you are working on.

    When you open it a year later you can see your progress. See what's changed.

    I missed last years cause my PC was dead. I'll be asking for a DC this year and dropping some stuff in it.
    ObscureGolem likes this.
  5. I did a time capsule at my residence on smp2, at /v HelloKittyRo 4. It wasn't for the event, I had come up with it by myself.
  6. Watching

    I'll participate this year, if I can remember to put some stuff in :p
  7. Might participate. Depends on how quickly I find items to store.
    mercenaries2009 likes this.
  8. Nice! :D I want a chest to put some books that I wrote in!
  9. Completely excited to get my stuff from last year, even though I remember it as being super lame. :p This year I'll put some better loot in there, perhaps.
  10. I'm gonna enter, just can only figure out one thing that i'll enter with. Hmm....
  11. imma super excited 4 event! esp. b/c it only happens 1 time for a year ^.^

    shell told me that he might wanna do review ^.^ ill make sure he does, lol! :D
    Kytula likes this.
  12. I left myself a starter kit just in case i stop playing for awhile and my place goes belly up.
  13. I was able to make it after all! ^_^ took some screen shots for those that might have missed it. I will leave the actual review to Shell :D

    ^ the elusive well lol :p
  14. It took me a while to find it. I wasn't at the event and it only says /park on SMP2 in the original post :p I found the well in Kytula's post and then made my way to the back of the statue and managed to get in from there, so I've found it now :)

    I don't have an access sign on mine and I'd like to put some more items in so I'll PM now :D
    Kytula likes this.
  15. Krysyy, I weren't able to attend last night but I'd like to do a time capsule. Please could I have a chest?
    mercenaries2009 likes this.
  16. ty for this
    Kytula likes this.
  17. I added a shortcut tp for the duration of filling only. This will be taken away once the capsule re-closes.
    ShelLuser and Kytula like this.
  18. Thank you :) Understandable - it can be added again when it re-opens next year.
    Kytula likes this.
  19. Because of my unintelligence, I barely know how this is gonna work (sorry for my noobness) , but I do want a chest. So... how can I get one?:confused:
  20. Send me a message at pmcm.emc.gs =)
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