EMC Staff- Summer/Spring Skin

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Ice_Lightning99, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. Where is Smooch's flower?
    goreman2000 likes this.
  2. ^... Smooch's skin needs to be updated
    goreman2000 and xothis_dwarf like this.
  3. Gotta give him the flower /sass
    goreman2000 likes this.
  4. He will have it dont worry :p
    goreman2000 likes this.
  5. ISMOOCH's skin.. ISMOOCH.. plus shorts.
  6. :p still working on it, might change the brown to another color, any requests
  7. pink
  8. I appreciate the effort you have gone through, but it is now autumn for me, and heading into winter in a few months. If you have the time to winterize it with earthy autumn/winter attire i would gladly don the outfit. :D
  9. ISMOOCH's skin is now updated
  10. yeah ill send you a pm in a couple days