EMC Site being hacked?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by AlexC__, Aug 10, 2012.

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  1. Why commit computer suicide? That is a horrible thing to do! D=

    *Edit* Sorry, WCG. It weirdly quoted you, when it first had Nerone's quote... Weird.
    KingGeorge3rd and AlexChance like this.
  2. To hush all the "Macs cant get viruses!" Kids.
    yankees518, MR2R2M, bonzd67 and 3 others like this.
  3. I seem to be safe. I usually only access the website from my iPhone.
  4. Wait... Breaking into somebodies computer without permission is illegal?!
    nfell2009 likes this.
  5. Yeah.and i said theyARRNT. Theyjusthappen to beimmunetothis one.
  6. I never knew 2 things to day, that pressing a caps lock key twice turns it on then off (Joshyrocks!) and now this XD more than school
  7. Andi cant download comp files nor have a FUNCTIONAl email. Plus its illegal
    Fyi they CAN get viruses. And i have a mac and imma shush them. Search up trojan flashback on google.
  8. my anti-virus is blocking this file but it's coming up repeatedly when i load this website
  9. Well guys, OS X can't directly become infected. They become infected by way of 3rd party software. Adobe, Java, Javascript, etc. are not Apple products. These are the programs targeted to get the infection into the operating system. What you fail to point out is that it REQUIRES human interaction to be achieved, if not for persons purposely navigating to the pages or launching the program, it will not infect the computer. The only attacks that have been reported are Trojan Horses, not actual Viruses.

    For those who don't know the difference between Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse, check this out and learn something so that you can curb the ignorance that is prominent on the internet.

    With Windows, some programs automatically download, install and execute themselves and they target flaws within the Microsoft code. It doesn't require human intervention to operate and therefore is less secure. It is possible to surf the internet and never receive a virus without anit-virus protection on your Windows PC but this require vigilant computer operation that a very small minority of users is capable of doing.

    Most users of both OS X and Windows will just accept any script that runs and will download anything they receive without question and this results in infections of their operating system.

    Stop touting the my chosen OS is better than yours banners. Apple products have their downfalls as much as Microsoft products. I prefer my iMac over any pre-built Windows PC but I would gladly build my own Windows PC if I had the unlimited funds necessary to build a top of the line system. However, by having a closed system, Apple has benefits of proper functionality of OS X code for many years but in addition, whenever they choose they can kill the function of their product with a simple code and require you to spend more money to purchase the newest version of their PC to be able to utilize their software.

    Linux is an amazing system in it's own right but my experience with Ubuntu is simple to adapt because it is nearly a clone of OS X. The dock, the button layout, the system choices, etc. This does not make it better or worse, just easy to transition.

    Also, being able to only point out 1 single virus that has managed to target OS X does not make a very strong argument against the millions of viruses that have targeted Windows for the entire life span. Apple has been around for almost the exact same amount of time as Microsoft. If you want to discuss how they went hand in hand, you can thank Apple for the GUI you so passionately adore but don't understand the origins of. :)

    The purpose of this thread is to report the Server123.exe virus that directly attacks Windows. So, discuss it or stop replying to the thread.
  10. Just to add, Windows 8 is becoming closed source. Like iOS you'll only be able to download from there version of the app store.
    nerone94 likes this.
  11. Always nice to see the staff getting hostile.
    MR2R2M and mba2012 like this.
  12. So the problem is fixed?
    QuarterStop likes this.
  14. Finally someone who knows that the Apple came first.
  15. Come on Guys this thread about the attack on the site and how justin and etc. are working on it not who has the bigger gun.
    nerone94 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  16. What kind of graphics card do you have?:)
  17. How was his post hostile? He simply defended Mac then asked people to get back on topic. Nothing in his post was targetting any specific post. He was clearing up false information is all, with the point being windows has so many security holes that many viruses do not require user interaction to execute, where as all current on mac, and most for the future unless they find a 0day in mac, will require user interaction, and even then get limited damage.

    Mac was built with a Unix base, which is alot more secure with better security standards (Where as Ubuntu is a linux base, which is essentially a clone of the Unix base but free, so same security standards overall)

    The design of the most underlying layer makes it hard for viruses and worms to live, and mainly boils down to trojan horses for Linux/Unix(Mac), which then are limited in how much they can damage (unless you gave the trojan root access... which is possible), but usually the OS design makes it easier to understand/trace/cleanup a trojan.

    PS Twitch: Ubuntu is not a Mac clone :p Very diff under the hood! but I agree the UI is imitating Mac and I hate it... They haven't got it to the same level of polish, where Mac is actually more customizable than Unity! That is a shame...
  18. What about it?
  19. At school today I tried to log on and it true to download an exe. It said "Internet explorer has blocked files from being downloaded to your computer." I hit OK and the website would not load no matter how many times I tried. I'm on my apple iPod, do will this affect my iPod?
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