EMC Site being hacked?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by AlexC__, Aug 10, 2012.

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  1. Luckily, my Mac can't read .exe files, so I should be safe. We need a new DDoS host for sure...
  2. You're funny... I do believe Linux is one of the more secure platforms because viruses don't have root access on android. I have root in my phone but that's only achieve able by apk files only. And a human user has to verify you granted access to root.

    In your faces! My phone is more secure than your avast protected windows.
    margaritte likes this.
  3. Even a windows phone wont have a problem with this virus... It's targetted at Windows OS in general.
  4. Behold my gatekeeper of root access...
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and roblikescake like this.
  5. Haha it cant infiltrate my ipad! Or mac!
    mba2012 and SpaceShuttleFan like this.
  6. I don't use avast and I also am on Windows which is better then a little phone. So do me a favor I have one face, understand that and don't flame me.
  7. A
    mac cant read exes, im on a mobile device, and apple uses unix. Im more protected than you.
    SpaceShuttleFan and YOU12MAEC like this.
  8. VIPRE blocks everything.. yay :) chrome says it bad and discards it though :p
    MissMadison910 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  9. off topic but i saw that video in your sig.
    dylan_frenette likes this.
  10. Just got up, and im getting it.
  11. "MAC's don't get viruses"


    On a side note... Let's code a virus for OSx [insert random animal name here]
    KingGeorge3rd likes this.
  12. Get Avast!, Its free and works ok :)

    AVAST FTW!!!
  13. It seems to be gone now.
  14. This is the ONE time mcafee will EVER help me, it always spams my screen, even in fullscreen
  15. roblikescake likes this.
  16. they dint as much as pcs, but they do. it happened. search up trojan flashback virus.
  17. I get it when I open a new page. It is supposedly called server123.exe
  18. Is it ok to use the live map?
  19. I promise you all, that if you give me about an hour, I will find a virus to send to all of your MACS. Download it, and run, it, and post us proof of it. Deal?
    KingGeorge3rd likes this.
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