EMC needs PVP!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Cypher_Rahl, Jun 7, 2012.


Should EMC implement PVP?

Yes! 48 vote(s) 30.6%
Nope. 109 vote(s) 69.4%
  1. I would prefer to keep it completely separated from the regular SMP servers. That way, if you want to PvP, there's a place for it, and if you don't, you can stay on SMP.
  2. Empire Minecraft with PVP, you ask? This would happen.
    Hash98, xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and Dwight5273 like this.
  3. Or, for a clearer answer...
    Hash98, xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and Dwight5273 like this.
  4. That's fine there has been a new thread where the admins declare it anti-spam zone. ^_^

    /thread closed & successful
    Hash98, ShadyShannon and SecretAznEks like this.
  5. No, i like a EMC even more cuz of no pvp
    topdawg657 likes this.
  6. Why did you bump a dead thread?
    jkjkjk182, chickeneer and DogsRNice like this.
  7. I have suggested this before, only a month or less ago. I think its a great idea. We could either have a pvp server, or pvp area's on already existing area's. Those who dont want to PvP somply dont go, it wont effect them in anyway. For those who DO want to well great! Cause there would be a pvp arena for example. And as you said it would boost the economy for items such as enchants, potions, weps and armor. It would bring a whole new crowd to the empire, we are talking at least doubling the amount of players. You see 40,000+ now...With a pvp arena expect to see 80,000+ EASY
    ICC AND JUSTIN! this is something you should consider very highly!
    You two may not like pvp but as big as the empire is and with all the supporters i think its really time to listen to your players and give the people what they want.
    Im not sure if more people want it then not, but it majority says they want it it hink we should have it.
  8. I think yes, A separate place to battle is a good idea, I've been thinking about this for a while now, It wont affect the rest of EMC and those who don't like PVP don't have to participate.
    killerbyte12 likes this.
  9. why must you post so large?
    topdawg657 and HylianNinja like this.
  10. but to the pvp part i say no
  11. Bumps, Bumps everywhere...
  12. there is no pvp on this server and there will never be pvp in EMC....
  13. We can only hope Aikar finishes his version of emc with pvp soon
    Hash98 likes this.
  14. Well, if we added PVP it would ruin EMC b/c of its live map. Now, if they added a PVP world...that would be good. But I would not like sitting at a mob spawner and getting killed.
    killerbyte12 likes this.