EMC Fantasy Football 2014

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by cddm95ace, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Don't mind them either.
  2. How long have you played on EMC: 498 Days
    Have you ever been banned/kicked and why: Yes for cussing out a kid 3 months after joining because I was immature.
    Are you a NFL football fan: Yes
    Favorite NFL team: Indianapolis Colts
    Why we should select you: Because deathconn says it's chill and he is love and lyfe!
  3. Jaguars yo.

  4. I like their jerseys. :p
  5. You're in! xD

    We need more people anyway :p
    tedrocker and Cfcdog13 like this.
  6. I live in Florida which is why I support them haha, I don't even care much about football but i like sports in general.
    Cfcdog13 likes this.
  7. I mainly follow football. Every once in a while I'll watch some baseball.
  8. I only watch baseball when the Cardinals are in the World Series haha, pretty much all of my father's side of the family comes from Missouri so I have a legit reason to support them yay : D I actually go there every summer to visit my great grandmother, and a couple of years ago when we were passing through St. Louis we went up in the Arch for like the 537213th time and I saw a Cardinals game going on : D it was epic I'm veering this so off topic and rambling lol I'll stop xD
  9. How long have you played on EMC: 891 Days
    Have you ever been banned/kicked and why: I've never been kicked or banned.
    Are you a NFL football fan: Of course!
    Favorite NFL team: The Washington Redskins
    Why we should select you: Because I adore the NFL, but I've never had a fantasy experience, and I feel like I should. :)
    tedrocker and deathconn like this.
  10. Haha, I'm the same way, I only watch baseball when the brewers are winning. :D
    deathconn likes this.

  11. Accepted!

    Expect a PM shortly :)
    Cfcdog13 and ShadyShannon like this.
  12. May I ask who won last year? :3
    607 likes this.
  13. Last years winner was sstrngmnm, last year's Co-Manager. He has since left EMC. I would like to mention that overall I scored the most points though :p
    ShadyShannon likes this.
  14. We still need 2 people, post here and we'll gladly accept you into the league :)
    Cfcdog13 likes this.
  15. bump, still need 2 members!
  16. we need 2 more people! only 2!
  17. Bump! 2 more people still!