Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by CoryLovesYou, May 1, 2016.

  1. What about it screams evil?
  2. Dang even 10 million out.... oh my. Tier 4 found? xD
  3. I see this:


    Looks a lot less sinister with the nose for the face, but still.
  4. Well whatever it is I'm going to say first off I can't wait to go exploring for that when we can, if we can as it may hold secrets that we can't even comprehend. And there is an idea for a story.
  5. Lol I see it now. I just wanted more light, I promise. I didn't do it on purpose. :p
    ShelLuser likes this.
  6. I wonder if the grass is greener out there..
    ShelLuser likes this.
  7. It is!
  8. Official post incoming. Figured someone would find it before we were actually done, but at least you'll get better pics this way ;)
    ShelLuser and ThaKloned like this.
  9. Since an official post is incoming this probably doesn't matter, but could people possibly by pass the protection aikar described by teleporting in through the nether?
  10. You'd die upon arrival as someone already asked this in the stream.
    jkrmnj likes this.
  11. 5 million blocks out! dang