EMC Dragon Tombs Info

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Aug 27, 2012.

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  1. yes itll include residence chat fixes, except that /rc will go away, and it'll be /chat residence (or /c r for short)
  2. so im gessing thses portals will be underground as was said xray will not help find them does this mean its going to destory the wild with people looking for them
  3. Will the residence chat fixes help d1223m with his mod update?
  4. Cool - I will miss the color, but it is for the best... I assume that @will now work in residential chat.

    If you have any extra time (I doubt you will, lol, look into an "easy" fix for this - there may not be one...
    When you are in a conversation with someone in-game.... Follow this example

    Aikar: (private message) Hey whats up!
    chickeneer: @@
    chickeneer: oh not much.
    chickeneer: @IcecreamCow IcC do you like chocolate milk or strawberry milk more?

    That last line was still sent to Aikar...
    jwayland likes this.
  5. Here is a post made by Aikar... It won't just dig out the entire residence automatically... I don't know just read this.

  6. looking for a team pm me for info bout it looking for as many people as i can
  7. Have you ever used worldedit or a similar tool on like a creative server? I think they are talking about giving us use of the brush feature. I used worldedit quite a bit on my old server. The size of the brush can be changed, and with the large brush which I'm assuming would only be available to diamond supporters, it could almost empty a entire res of dirt in like 3 seconds.
  8. I would assume it would be similar to this... Maybe you get a custom tool Just for in town that only works on dirt...

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIvzgLdhwro Skip to 2:30

    I could easily be wrong, but this is what I am seeing... It could work on any block in town (within reason) it is just impossible for me to say without making it all up right now...
  9. It will be custom code, no way we would unlock any feature of worldedit to the public haha...

    Also the items will group together just like everything else to keep item drop lag away.
    shavingfoam and chickeneer like this.
  10. That works about as fast a eff4 shovel which will still take forever to dig out of a res even if there was no durability loss on your tool....
  11. Great! Worldedit for the public would be bad....

    60X60X60= 3375 Stacks of dirt.....
    AlexChance likes this.
  12. Maybe there is also an automatic speed enhancement with it or also an extension to yor reach (hit blocks farther away) whatever it is, it will have to be better than any current method. The fastest current way is for a full server to all get one residence, efficiency 4 shovels and each person takes out one row down to bedrock
  13. Awww... :(
  14. Layer by layer I think works better, although you can tp back to top so I'm not sure.
  15. so where will the portals to the end be im confused if i dont ever get a dragon egg could someone give me one if they get some? :(
  16. the portal to the end will be exactly where it is now, this portal will be to the 'Arena'.
    jkjkjk182 and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  17. Each person could do it however they like, but they would be responsible for a 60x1xheight area...
  18. Here are 3 questions that I don't think were asked yet:

    1. Will the land protection that dragon eggs give extend from the max world height to bedrock?
    2. Once you use a dragon egg to claim a plot of land, is the claim permanent? Or can you pick the dragon egg back up to claim a different plot of land?
    3. Will the dragon egg be visible on the ground when you use it to claim a plot of land? I think that would look cool. :D

    Great job Aikar, I can't wait for the new features to roll out!! :D
  19. I highly doubt that you can re use them, since then people would just strip mine, then move on, and keep repeating that. Off topic, bu t i bough your shop outta glass last night..:oops:
    shavingfoam likes this.
  20. I am sure it is a one time thing - From my understanding - the wild update will not be released at the same time time as the Dragon Egg Update. When it is finally released though - Aikar will make sure we are fully informed so that there is no confusion...
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