Dwight5273 celebrates 500 days of EMC

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by The_Boulder, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. 48, if that isn't already taken
  2. Congrats 27!
  3. 45 plz!!! (if its not taken) And happy 500 days

  4. Ok, I'll take 20! :D
  5. Both of you broke the 1st rule you can't be in the raffle
    OrigamiJoe likes this.
  6. aw ):
  7. Ill take 48 Please, Congrazzles :D
  8. 11 spots left in the Raffle.
  9. Dwight Bits back... Because people hate reading :D :p
  10. i see 18 is taken... 30 please
  11. 9 numbers left in the raffle and going update the raffle at lunch..
  12. 10,happy 500th day!
  13. Congratulation, still..you and your safety hats... 31 if possible, thank you.
  14. Updated the Raffle and Because I'm in such good mood adding Dbchest of Gold Ingots
  15. I'll take 20, please.
  16. I just want to say that picture of you looks so great I thing u should change it to your profile picture
  17. 11 plz, and congratz for your 500 days :D