Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Smooshed_Potato, Oct 11, 2017.

  1. Hellooooooooooo all ARTISTS! I am looking for someone who can draw me a spectacular SIGNATURE! The winner gets a STABLE VOUCHER!!! End date is Oct. 31 Midnight PCT time. Share with your friends and others! All drawing appropriate to the server are accepted and the theme is ME and POTATOES *preferably minecraft potatoes*. So, you think you can win? GOOD LUCK!
  2. OOPS! I forgot to create a POLL for this thread! Just REPLY to it saying whether you prefer drawing with a pen and PAD of paper or A COMPUTER! I love drawing of action or pictures of me edited into a scene! (that was a hint :p)
    607 likes this.
  3. I can do paper or computer. Oh, and do we just post it here when finished?
  4. Anything Moople, I don't mind! :D
    MoreMoople likes this.
  5. Oh and try to make it a rectangle. And I also love COMICS!
    MoreMoople likes this.
  6. @moremoople (who totally didnt already post here)
    MoreMoople likes this.
  7. Haha... can't believe I didn't already post here... that would just be crazy
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  8. Does it have to be a drawing? Or can it be my (semi-professional) signatures? :p
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  9. I would like a drawing
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  10. I love your signature!
    EnderMagic1 likes this.
  11. How are everyone's drawings/comics/animations going?
  12. Bump for all on at this hour
  13. I might try aswell, I don't know if I have time to do this, but I always like to do some drawing :)
    607 and smooshed_potato like this.
  14. Great!
  15. I'm sorry, but could you please only BUMP your threads minimaly 3 hours after the previous post? (This technically is illegal posting) :)
    smooshed_potato and 607 like this.