Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. I only got 59 :S
  2. ill be gone when the halloween drops :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

    anyone want to grab an egg for me for something?
  3. I'll try
    TheTrufflehunter likes this.
  4. There were only 59... :D
  5. Thanks! Stupid Boy Scout camping trip...
  6. Stupid? Boy scouts?
    What hit you in the head?
    A 1.4.2 anvil?
  7. No, scouting is great, just not their choice of camping day
  8. As of this post, we are ~23 minutes from the release of the NEW HALLOWEEN EGGS! :)
  9. As of this post, I probably won't get any eggs because I'm on my phone :/

    I'm still gonna try tho
  10. The drop is so soon... I'm nervous. :p
  11. Okay... it's time! Good luck to all!

    On the other hand... SOOO MUCH LAGGG
  12. Ik. I may not be able to get an egg rage rage rage
  13. I'm missing em :( ill be up all night doing this :p
  14. That makes two.

    And three.
  15. 114 IN THE JUNGLE!!! New record
  16. Can I have one if I don't get one?? I can't get on my comp and I don't knew if I will (read posts about scouting)...