Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. The dark eggs are Halloween eggs, they will not breed together until the next Halloween breeding time.. Which will be in about 50 weeks.. :oops:

    EDIT: So as to not confuse anyone, They won't breed with any other Halloween or themselves to lay any Halloween eggs, but can be bred with any other breedable dragon (Besides split and pygmy) to get offspring of the bred dragon, until such time that the Halloween dragons start breeding again which is that period 1 week prior to Halloween.
  2. Um, we might actually know shortly because the dragon cave wiki already has the s3 forms listed under Currently being released.. And they don't add unless the data already been confirmed in Dragon Cave.. I think the spriters might have gotten their eggs on Halloween..
  3. Okay, never mind then. :D
  4. I want to swap my Vamp for a magi and a Black?
    Also i think i killed a NG
  5. If anyone needs a new halloween dragon, ill trade for a male pb luimina
  6. You mean the ones that are the only ones showing up at the moment?

  7. Just to give you guys a nice laugh while your eggs hatch
  8. Three of my eggs died :'(
  9. Thankful I got 5 HW 2012 eggs; they won't be CB ever again!
  10. Look at the cave now... you can pick these things up like Purple Dorsals.
  11. Had to stop putting my dragons in my sig.

  12. You do seem to like Dr. Who.
  13. Indeed.

    Also, the cave's back to "normal". ;)
  14. Well I can't wait to see what the dragons will be! You guys excited?
  15. heck yah! im guessing spider.
  16. 3 of mine died but i got more
  17. Hatched my first egg. They're pretty neat dragons.
  18. TJ09's dark eggs will be grown up in about 19 hours.. :3 ...They are Hurcn, Sandy and Delay.. xD
  19. On my 6th and last marrow I finally get a male :D