Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. why would we want to stop People Eating Tasty Animals?
  2. Because, tasty animals are people, too.
  3. your vegetarian? :eek:
  4. No, but still.
  5. Looks like dragcave is down.
  6. Back up.
  7. Are you guys just stalking the caves for these halloween eggs? Or am I missing something?
  8. We're stalking the AP

  10. These NEED to hatch before tomorrow :( You guys know what to do :D
  11. You can relax. THE HALLOWEEN EGG DROP HAS BEEN DELAYED UNTIL SATURDAY DUE TO SUPERSTORM SANDY. Because many DC users are without power on the East Coast, it has been delayed. I personally don't mind-the people affected get their eggs, and since the day before is Friday, I can stay up until 2 AM grabbing eggs if I want to. It's a win-win.
    moyaboya likes this.
  12. Dang.. I already wasted one of my incubations
  13. Been scoping out the AP for anything good, missed three luminas and a GOLDEN WYVERN! Not to metion countless halloweens, but I wasnt looking for those
    TheTrufflehunter likes this.
  14. I have golden wyverns... Not that exciting to me.
    Not sure why everyone wants them.
  15. becaus its the last wyvern left before i have all of them
  16. It also appears I'm Well-Known now. Can't stop laughing at my Male pillows!