Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Ehh... Keep in mind, the CB Halloween 2012s will never drop again. I'd free all of my egg slots by the 30th...
  2. My vamp and black marrow hatched :D
  3. Your black marrow looks like a dead chicken.
    Crazy1080 likes this.
  4. It is a dead chicken :p
  5. Hmm, I wonder if it tastes like chicken.

    *My eggs hatched*
  6. I am absolutely sure this is a trollface:

    Oh, and I really like the Spitfires.

    Pumpkins look like Frogs when they first hatch...Really big bullfrogs when they're adults....With tails...
  7. Yea, trying to get these guys to hatch before the 31st, so I can at least try for a 2012 Halloween dragon. If I can just get 2 (male/female) that would be great!
  8. Wow my dragons went from without wings to fully mature while I was sleeping! Win!
  9. That's kind of true for everyone.

  10. Gentlemen. You know what to do :)
  11. PS The new geode costume should be a geode alt or something if you breed it with a gold or golden wyvern. It'd be awesome!
  12. My current halloween loot:
  13. You should make room for eggs if you want to get the new dragon egg on the 31
    SpaceShuttleFan likes this.
  14. What a nice lineage you got ;D
  15. If I am correct, then all my eggs will be free on halloween except my next pumpkin, which will be free at about 6:00 pm on halloween. I'm trying to get 3 pumpkins, 3 black marrows, 4 shadow walkers, and 5 new dragons.
  16. Trying to get at least 2 clicks on everything I own, these are the only ones left.

    And my most clicked dragon.

  17. Lol PB Shadow with funny parent names
  18. You should name yours "Stop ACTA"
    SpaceShuttleFan likes this.
  19. No, stop PETA
  20. Peta, Sopa, Pipa, Acta, Griefing, Whatever.
    All things we all want stopped.