[DISCUSSION] Forum Signatures

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by moonolotl, Jun 27, 2018.

  1. Who has the best? Who has the most creative? I'm curious what your opinions are.
    I'm personally obsessed with my Bee & Puppycat GIF on my signature :p
  2. I like my signature, but I wanna make it a little smaller and have a few links to things :D
    kamirosee likes this.
  3. Me! It changes every month!
    kamirosee and Eviltoade like this.
  4. Mine because it's Led Zeppelin and Led Zeppelin is possibly the best band in the world :cool:
    kamirosee likes this.
  5. Slow it down now dude...
    kamirosee likes this.
  6. I've had this very same signature for years now, ever since IcecreamCow's thread about it. :) weeh and me are the only two active forum members who still have this signature, after all those years. :D
  7. cmon man you can't deny led zeppelin ;)
  8. I like mine but i wish it was smaller. Cute bunnis win every time so 1v1 me!
    kamirosee likes this.
  9. but what about puppycat?
    rhxa likes this.
  10. It's no Nickelback or one direction.
    rhxa likes this.
  11. Then make it smaller. :p Surely there are free online tools available. :)

    Myself, I'm not sure anymore what to do with the changing text in my signature. I like the rest, but the texts are taken from a Roblox group, that's hardly active anymore. The author had a Twitter as well, but she stopped that completely. So lately I've been checking now and then on Roblox whether there's a new text I like, but as the Roblox group only gets updated about once every two months now as opposed to once every day (that is quite a big difference!), my signature text changes much less often than I'd like to. I've considered making them up myself, but I'm reading the Bible chronologically, so there would be little variety in used books. On the plus side, it would give me some objective while reading.
    kamirosee and rhxa like this.
  12. I've been thinking about redesigning mine lately. I like the concept, but maybe make it a bit more compact.
    kamirosee and rhxa like this.
  13. I am posting this for the sheer reason of finding out if I have one at the moment.

    EDIT: I do not.
  14. I like my signature rn but I do end up changing it often =P
    rhxa likes this.
  15. I love your signature xD
    JParsonsX likes this.
  16. not as cute as fluffi bunni :3
    kamirosee likes this.
  17. I like my signature
    kamirosee and Sydney4363 like this.
  18. Bump! Anyone have any more opinions?