Dear Beggers.....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Hash98, Jul 13, 2012.

  1. *facepalm*:confused:
  2. One does not simply post a meme in this thread.jpg
  3. Hey ! 729 also buy/sell logs and planks to :p
  4. Awesome, last time I checked(days ago) you were only selling them so, sorry.
  5. Since we are making memes....
    I love the smell of zombies in the morning.
    Nole972 and Michael_Nolan like this.
  6. Unrelated meme is unrelated
    Seberling and Nole972 like this.
  7. does no one really want 32 diamonds?
  8. Unrelated memes.jpg
    Me :D
    IPwnCreeps likes this.
  9. That would be awesome.
  10. plz put it in begging format
    EDIT: nvm i didnt see it on the first page
  11. I saw some begging but none of it was very specific. I would try it, but it would be off topic, since this an anti-beggar thread. If I did try, it would go something like this: Please, Micheal_Nolan, could you give me some diamonds. I have so few, and you have so many. Please, please have some compassion for those less fortunate than you.
  12. meet me on 4 when ever u can
  13. Suspicious.jpg Please give me the diamonds... lol
  14. Guys you are doing it all wrong.

    You have to flirt and bat your eyelashes. Guys don't mind if you beg as long as you use cute faces when you type. =^_^=
  15. That's a fish...
  16. a cute fish... ~_^
  17. That's a sprinkler... A Cute Sprinkler.
  18. <-Not as awesome as my dog.:D