Dead Club

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by LittleRobotSeffy, Apr 12, 2016.


How many times have you died?

Poll closed Apr 12, 2017.
One Time 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Twelve Time 3 vote(s) 8.3%
Fifteen Time 1 vote(s) 2.8%
Fifty Time 1 vote(s) 2.8%
A Hundered Time 6 vote(s) 16.7%
A Billion times A Trillion More! 25 vote(s) 69.4%
  1. One time I was on another server, and I somehow blew myself up trying to open a door.
    ArkWarrior1 likes this.
  2. One time while out in the waste I went into a house to hide from the mobs for a bit and looked around. I saw a trap door on the floor and went down it on the ladder. It was super dark and I didn't notice the ladder ran out well before the end of the hole and wound up dieing.
    Seffychan likes this.
  3. My 5 most common deaths in order:
    1. Momentus
    2. Marlix
    3. Netherhounds
    4. Falling
    5. Lava
  4. I once had the bright idea to plop a bed next to Momentus, don my voter gear & crank the difficulty to 10. What I didn't know at the time (until it was too late) was when I died, he gained health! Took me bout 1/2 hour of fighting & dying repeatedly. Often he would suck me to his feet as I spawned & stomp me to death before I could even get a swing in! When he was finally slain, I had over a full stack of my own head!
    Seffychan and khixan like this.
  5. I die a lot but a lot but today was different. Me and Eviltoade were doing evil things in the Mob Arena and lets just say we did 5 rounds and the longest i survived was 3 Minutes and thats when Toade went easy on me.
    Seffychan likes this.
  6. In Rainbow's UHC once I was trying to free the spectators from their box when I forgot to hold shift and fell off my platform.
    Seffychan likes this.
  7. I died while walking. Very strange, probably because I was in a lava pool. :p
    Seffychan likes this.
  8. *glances at Dufne*
    Seffychan likes this.
  9. Lava loves me.
    Horse accidents. Lots and lots of freaky horse accidents. I hate horses.
    Wither skellies outside of NHG (bc I forget, no beacons and in voter gear).
    Momo's sneaky revenge. I kill him a few times no problem, and then WHAM! He hammers me right when I get confident fighting him.

    Corrupted could probably write a "dumb ways to die" song featuring some of my deaths lol :D
    Seffychan likes this.
  10. I have died multiple times from a cave full of 20 Enraged Skeleton Guardians. I still haven't dealt with the situation :p
    Seffychan likes this.
  11. How'd they end up there? Maflix? Tried bumping your difficulty down? Maybe tunnel
    In from above & carpet bomb them with TNT? If you want help, I love a good fight/challenge.
    ArkWarrior1 and Seffychan like this.
  12. Yea, I could bump my difficulty down, but I want the loot from the Marlix
  13. Lets see cloes to spawn point in the Neither and gast starting attacking me and I was trying to run a dodge the Fire balls. Ended up jumping in to a 1 by 1 hole into the lava........ That was my first death me second day here I think or third.
    Seffychan and gladranger7 like this.
  14. I Remember one time, Slightly after June 16 2015, I let a bunch of people kill me in PVP. Then I paid them 100r per head (sometimes more) until I got a stack of Seffy Heads.
  15. One day I needed sand to make glass and found a ton of sand and dug out a piece. Thanks to Minecraft logic and sand spawning in thin air I fell with the sand as it all collapsed into a deep ravine before dieing.
    Seffychan and FoxyRavenger like this.
  16. When the 1.9 update was out, I updated, went to the Wastelands, and then a dude in god armor kills me even though I had the White Feather in my hand. I went the other direction when I respawned, grabbed my set of promos out of the Vault, and tried to use them against the guy who killed me. He camped and shot me with a bow, and since he had Soulbreaker, he took all of my promos.

    I ragequit
    Seffychan and Mob_Meal like this.
  17. When am I ever alive in minecraft? XD I've died countless times...I spend more time dead than alive I'm pretty sure haha jk but I do die tons. My first embarrassing death was when I went to help Gawa and WyntyrRaevyn dig out some stuff by a guard farm and we found a lava pool ..wyntyr wanted to turn it to obby so I helped her mine it she taught be a "safe" way to mine using water to turn the lava underneath to obby but I failed at attempting to do it her way and fell straight through into the lava and panicked and put water on it and trapped myself under the obby. ...I'm sure it was a funny thing to witness xD
    Seffychan and TomvanWijnen like this.