Curthania - SMP9 Wild Community Build

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by fairygerl91, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. LOL IamSaj read on your wall and I planing on vistiting tomorrow or so can't today because I'm Currently Dove Hunting and be back near my comp sunday
    IamSaj likes this.
  2. Ive been wanting to join a wild community would you mind if i popped by?
  3. I hope this wild community goes far! Keep up the great work guys!
    IamSaj and Dwight5273 like this.
  4. You just had to jink it didnt you?
  5. I'm planning to make a yeti village embassy on a taiga biome, after i finished my project.
    But this is just amazing outpost i saw.
  6. My house walls were also torn down... but it's not as bad as the ship... :/
  7. I was afraid to build in the area because i thought something like this might happen.
  8. Always rebuild after a attack, this happens to LLO often then you think. Just rebuild and keep eye out on unknown players :)
  9. Thanks I'll see if i can find a spot then to build once i ask permission
  10. yes was either lightning or grifer nothing else ws touched that i saw i check everything but yes it'll be rebuilt
  11. that and the dock has been hit by lightning b4 and burnt which leads me to think it wasnt grifed
  12. I will take up your offer for my little base to join yours. :) I can be lead of grinder building and up keep, but not Blaze grinders, as I have not a clue on how to make one.
  13. we currently have 3 blaze spawner locations and one public zombie/skele pawner..

    go to floor two of grand central and follow the sign to public spawner
  14. Ok. :) I have made a double and a few singles before, but I know I can set up a quad grinder.
  15. Found a above ground zombie spawner in the resource area. Will start making it into a grinder.
  16. When will we ever make one of these for utopia?
  17. So Update time

    The boat was not greifed to say the least as thanks to one of our loveable mods [not gonna name since i dont know if its allowed or not]. BANNED me for "greifing of the boat" since the fire log's showed me setting fire to it

    now all in itself this is true as while tear the rest down i ran a test to see if wood under water would infact burn....well it does and since i was the only one on the fire log for that block it had to of been force of nature that recked the boat

    REgardless of any thing said and done i am back in the game and building once again and the boat shall be back bigger and better. looking forward to seeing more people out there
  18. facepalm.... lol, glad to know im not suspected
  19. Update TIME:

    Recent activity in curthania

    castle is still under construction and is slow on the go dueto the release of the new expac for world of warcraft, but underway none the less

    a update on member that have come out to build along side us new and old i feel like getting a list up and going and ill have erama_man20 update this in the OP


    Please if i have missed your name feel free to say so there has been alot of activity here in the wild city of curthania
    both builders and sight seers alike

    Feel free to come out and look or build
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  20. Haven't been over there in a while, any cool new public stuff?