Cure cancer with idle CPU time - Folding@home

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _REMOVED_63902, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. you get nothing but the satisfaction of helping cure cancer
  2. That's what I thought at first, but the work done using Folding@home provides data for researchers and scientists to study or create drugs that may aid in curing life-threatening diseases (in this case, this thread refers to cancer). There have been many big and small discoveries regarding proteins that have been a result of people folding at home. I would suggest viewing this for more information:

    Folding@home also works way differently compared to Bitcoin mining (it is less resource-demanding). If my computer mined bitcoins, it would produce 0.00001 bitcoin per day or something and that would be the same with many other computers. In short, Bitcoin mining requires a dedicated computer and Folding@home can be used with a personal computer.
  3. The PS3 used to have something like this
  4. I have joined, ran it on full power and got about 211 points in 3 hours.
  5. Maybe I should toss my 390x and 4820k in to this... ;)
  6. So, I looked and my points aren't matching with my client to the team. I should be 8th place with 15,961 points but it is showing 200

    Anyone having that issue?
  7. Give it some time. The program is really slow sometimes with updating :)
  8. I stopped for a while cuz I went out of country and stuff and now I'm back I think I'll join now but my computer toooooo loud. Rockin' that integrated intel hd 4000 graphics and that dual core i5-3210M

    I probably won't be as active since I have to reboot into Windows every time I wanna use Steam (since most of my games are Windows only) and I wanna just keep game programs on my windows but ill be keeping this folding@home while I'm on macOS doing hw and studying and those types of things yeah wow my grammar was terrible I'm really tired
  9. Be careful crunching on a laptop... Especially a macbook, I don't believe those have a whole lot of cooling capacity. Keep an eye on your CPU temperatures.
  10. just joined ive seen too many of my family and friends suffer from some of these diseases and im ready to make difference
    nltimv likes this.
  11. I'll download it when I get home, I wanna help.. I have no idea why I put it in my sig, but I wanna help, also it looks cool
  12. Yeah, I'll be careful. I used to keep it on over night for days on end, but I stopped because it got really sluggish. Also I think I made my battery go bad a little, it only charges to 96% now. (Probably cause I kept it on Full power all day everyday.) Now I keep it on the smallest level or the middle level.
  13. Cool I might join
    ElmofiedBoby likes this.