Crawling out of My Den

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by CaptainFoxy_, Aug 20, 2017.

  1. Yay foxxo is back from the dead!
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
  2. As you can tell, I may be one ;)
    Those are amazing thank you!
    PikminSplatoon likes this.
  3. Welcome back !!
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
  4. We gotta start a group fir us Coloradians lol
    FoxyRavenger, HxCami10 and MoreMoople like this.
  5. Don't forget suction cup maaaan
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
  6. Welcome Back :D
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
  7. Dont forget the Blue Fox KikuDusk and there are others.
  8. I won't accept you back until you admit that the Lucky Pirate Crew is the superior pirate crew.
  9. YAAAA FOXY :D we all missed you.
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
  10. Those are real foxes, to me at least I am the only robotic one that (claims) to be on this server.

    You are just piggy back riding on me, that doesn't mean much for a pirate crew harharhar
    PikminSplatoon likes this.
  11. I'm really glad to have you back with us you wily Fox. Looking forward to seeing ya around and maybe a chat here and there as well but remember .. college is first buddy boi. ;)

    Oh, and Keph.. don't forget about the odd dragon here and there as well and I do recall cousins in the mix .. a bird or two could be.
    Tbird1128, FoxyRavenger, 607 and 2 others like this.
  12. {edit: image removed, petezzadawg beat me to it}

    Glad you're back ;)
    FoxyRavenger, 607 and _Devuu__ like this.
  13. crawling out of my den and i'm doin' just fine
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
  14. Well... add me on your team Kephras... i may be a pirate on Emc... but my paintball mask was a white bengal tiger if that counts... tigers being by far the top of my list of the wilds...
    Here for one of my fotos first in the thread.....

    And as i said online FR... welcome back!
    Kephras likes this.
  15. It seems many are glad at your return as am I. Here's hoping that the third time is the charm!
    607 and FoxyRavenger like this.