Could EMC’s policy against griefing be more efficient?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Grauhaar72, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. Okay, what about de-griefing, e.g. rebuilding? Is that allowed? I'm just saying...I'm tired of seeing these floating griefed/creepered/etc. structures or the bare remnants of what's left of them.
  2. I strongly advise not to de-grief because if someone has griefed and you fix it your gonna be removing their 'fingerprint' and staff wont be able to find out 'Who Dun it'
    EDIT: It will also make you look like the griefer
  3. this is not entirely true,
    If you build a column of blocks to access a high place, remove it when you are done if possible (do not worry about it too much in the nether if it’s too dangerous).
    i break floating blocks all the time, they cause spawns where i dont want them to be and serve no purpose, i usually give a week warning before i break them but the areas around spawns would look just terrible if these werent cleared out.

    on land that you own you can also break things that dont belong there, or if it looks nice its recommended to just keep it maintained until you can determine that whoever built it is no longer using it.

    i work on a beautify the wild project on smp6 where i routinely have to break things that players put there just to be annoying i ask staff about them first and follow their instructions.

    there are instances where you can break your aforementioned wood planks, but you should not go about doing it willy nilly as thats likely to end up with you breaking something someones using on land that isnt yours. if you want examples you can meet me on 6 and ill show you
    georgeashington and dresden72 like this.
  4. I myself came to EMC for a second start. Yes, I was once not the most reliable of players, I was a griefer. But since I have moved to EMC, I have stopped and realised the importance of a good connection with the community. If EMC gave no access to players who were once griefers, many players would have little chance of starting over in a great community like this.
  5. That makes sense, but from what I've seen you've been here a while and you're going about it in a better way than most (newer) people would. So, I was mentioning it as more of a general rule to just not touch something that isn't naturally generated if you didn't put it there. But I myself have asked a mod if I could move a pressure plate someone placed because it made a public farm unsafe. And I also understand the "beautifying" concept as well, but again you're an older player so you know the rules very well.
    DubChef and dresden72 like this.
  6. I agree with bitemenow15. In the past I have removed "random" structures that made travel difficult. BUT, I always but up a sign, on the thing I was going to remove, with my name and a date that I was going to remove it. I am not talking about a house or anything useful but a pile of dirt and cobblestone. And after I removed the structure I would leave all the materials in a chest with my name on it and the date I removed it. This is technically griefing, but where do you draw the line between an eye sore "griefing" and straight up destroying of some one's outpost? That is why I leave the sign, if I destroyed your masterpiece, I will help you fix it.

    If any of you know me, you know I get fired up about griefing of outposts and bases. And I very much desire wild grief protection. The only thing I can suggest it to patrol your area and look for damage then message staff. Since /report doesn't work without a name attached.
    georgeashington likes this.
  7. Yeah, most of what I'm talking about isn't far out in the wastes or wild. It's just random dirt/rock pillars or floating blocks usually near spawns.

    That said, I know the wastes resets quarterly, what about the wild? Is there a way to police up old abandoned structures/chests/etc. from long gone players?
  8. You know who I would like to see banned for griefing? Endermen. They're always coming around and picking up blocks out of my structure. They often will take a piece of sand out that's holding water in and then water goes flowing everywhere. Worst griefers EVAR!
  9. light your structure better :p
    any structure that is more then 50 percent intact shouldnt be demolished but you are welcome to make it look good anything else should be tagged with a sign asking to repair the structure then left for a week or two if noone responds then take the creeper bait down :p
    dresden72 likes this.
  10. The reporting griefing to staff doesn't really do anything as a group and I found yesterday. We got griefed, reported it. Staff came out and handled it but the player wasn't banned. Mentioned it later on mumble and loads of people said the name has been caught many times griefing. Mentioned it to higher up staff and was told the ticket has been 'resolved' which means they were banned. /p showed otherwise.

    We're now forced to move because this player knows where we are and apparently nothing will be done about it. I get this is a res/plot server, but survival really needs more support for people that enjoy going out and building something big.

  11. If the player was IP banned, then their ban won't show up in game. So if the staff said that they banned him, and he has a lengthy history of griefing, then I would guess he got an IP ban.
  12. Sadly not. What I meant by /p showed otherwise was the player was still online after the issue, still is.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  13. care to message me details?