Cookie Clicker!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Choongjae, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. Is that legit? I mean, just by playing the game, without doing other things to change your stats?
    Choongjae likes this.
  2. wait
    cowland123 and Choongjae like this.
  3. I'm pretty sure it's a different version, look at the building options.
    Choongjae likes this.
  4. Not a different version, "Fool's Biscuit" is an end game temporary upgrade for a business day "season" that makes it look like that. My guess is that Inspect Element was used to make it say that, as to my knowledge it just starts using exponential notation once it can display the numbers.
  5. Wow. They really expect me to get 837.9 Quintillion cookies for a kitten upgrade? :confused:
    Choongjae likes this.
  6. people say,
    "its not a big deal"
    play longer.
    use heavenly chips
    "infinity" cookies is probably to keep the numbers to go over the max. if it goes over the max it says:
    NaN cookies
    NaN means Not a Number
    you can't do anything but cheat in all the things after a hard reset.
    Choongjae likes this.
  7. But I've never reset :(
    Choongjae likes this.
  8. .......
    607 and Choongjae like this.
  9. We used to do this when we had issues at LAN partys back in the days :D
    Choongjae likes this.
  10. damn right, they're better than yours,
    Choongjae likes this.
  11. that news is easy to get
    Choongjae likes this.
  12. Update! My bakeries name is "Chicken Hugger" :D
    Choongjae likes this.
  13. It claims another victim...
    Choongjae, cowland123 and hashhog3000 like this.
  14. Cookie Clicker will always hunger for more. :p For example, it's about to reclaim me. :)
    Choongjae likes this.
  15. still alive
    still warping and keeping people into...

    the cookie-life
    of no-lifeia
    no-one can help!
    Choongjae likes this.
  16. How many cookies should I reset with to get a good amount of prestige?
    Choongjae likes this.
  17. a lot
    Choongjae likes this.
  18. 500,500,000,000,000,000 for 1,000 chips
    500.5 quadrillion
    Choongjae likes this.
  19. I use the ipod version, so it's different than what I've seen here
    Choongjae likes this.
  20. I need to start playing this again :p
    Choongjae likes this.