[ CONTEST ] Show us your TNT!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Hoi, Nov 12, 2012.

  1. *facepalm*
    No need to be rude, but this is MY thread, no need to bump, last warning becaue this is your SECOND time doing this, and I look at ALL entries.
  2. The thread is on the front page... :p
  3. so can we ONLY use tnt ore can we use other items as well
  4. You can used any other item, but the creation has to have something to deal with tnt. =)
    j_tan likes this.
  5. Lol sorry :p
  6. Can I enter a mod I made (has to do with TNT and I can screenshot it)?
  7. You can used any other item, but the creation has to have something to deal with tnt. =)

  8. here is my competition entry! enjoy =D on the clock it says 9:00 :) 2012-11-25_18.23.37.png

    Attached Files:

  9. Sounds like fun! Ill join.
  10. I made a short mini game, can I just upload the world save?
  11. Hmmmm.... Can you take a video instead? =P
  12. I don't have the software :/ I'll take the pictures, and I'll also upload the save for you to take a look at if you get the time.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  13. Here is my work and i name it "Love with TNT" enjoy :D

    Attached Files:

  14. sorry i put 2 times the same sorry

  15. Only four more days left :D
    nnnnmc1 and oidgod like this.
  16. Time to make a TNT texture pack.

    You jealous?:p
  17. 2 days left! =)
  18. Don't worry it's only a 128x128 texture; not very big.

    Also iv'e been done with my creation for a long time now.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  19. Also, how did you post this on the front page?
  20. Can we still submit our creations on the 15th?