[CONTEST/RAFFLE] Piwi Advent Calendar 2017

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by 607, Dec 3, 2017.


Do you know what Advent (not necessarily literally) means ?

No, not really. 3 vote(s) 25.0%
Yes, I do. 9 vote(s) 75.0%
  1. The final picture!

    Tbird1128 likes this.
  2. Now to size it and finish it! Thanks!

    Merry Christmas!
    607 likes this.
  3. Ok I sent it in to you. Still can't figure out where that last piece goes but I am pretty proud of myself. Thank you for doing this it was fun :D
  4. Thank you!
    It is of course not quite perfect, but if not 3 people who have got every piece right share their result, you will be entered into the raffle. :)
    If you stay the only one to submit a result, you might win all 3 books... :p
    Theomglover likes this.
  5. I’m gonna try it out :)
    607 likes this.
  6. Oh I just notice this now :O. Luckily just right on time still to hopefully figure it out ;)
    Patr1cV and 607 like this.
  7. Perhaps I should've notified you?... hm. I'm glad it caught your attention now, at least! :)
  8. Is it landscape or portrait?
  9. Landscape.
  10. There's not too much time left!
  11. No more time for entries, I'll process the results soon. :)

  12. Tbird1128 couldn't manage to find a place for the table leg. Besides that, things seem to be roughly in the right place. :) It does seem like some pieces had their size changed... did you make the size of the drawing 6000x4000 pixels? I don't think it should've happened, then.

    Smooshed_Santa got everything into roughly the right spots, but here too it seems like some pieces got shrunk or enlarged.

    Unfortunately I didn't get any more entries... but I hope you guys had fun. :) And good job to you both!
    As these were the only two entries, I won't do a raffle... Smooshed_Santa got everything into the right spot roughly, while Tbird left one piece out. Because of that, I'll give one book to Tbird, and two to the Potato. :)

    And now here for the answer:

    I hope you enjoyed! I'll mail the books soon.
  13. While I was thinking of what title to use, I accidentally signed the book.
    So... the title stays as it is: Advent Calendar. :p It's fine, right? ;)

    Oh, and by the way: what did you think of the picture? :) I spent quite some time arranging it. ;)
  14. I thought the picture was quite nice!
    607 likes this.
  15. Thanks! That leg got me just couldn't figure it out. I was fun and if you do this again next year I'm in.
    607 likes this.
  16. *facepalm*

    Well, seems like silly me forgot this again :oops:.
    You can always notify me in your games since I really like them, but lately it has been more a problem of me not checking the forums that much anymore since I kinda moved on to other stuff :3.
    Patr1cV and 607 like this.