[CONTEST] Identify this bird for 20k! - NOW OVER

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Hashhog, Jun 28, 2016.

  1. head color doesn't match and juveniles look way dif
    bill color doesn't match
  2. I think it looks kinda like one im not sure though:

  3. Maybe a male gadwall. Male gadwalls have patterns with the following colors: brown, black, and grey. I'll continue searching for other birds :)
  4. Just found these pictures of gadwalls:

  5. The plumage pattern doesn't match the drake or the eclipsing drake....:(
    607 likes this.
  6. Ugh, if only I still had access to the Species Catalog at Texas A&M....
    607 likes this.
  7. Or maybe is it a Dabbling Ducks/Dipping Duck

    Or a west indian whsitling duck:

    I really doubt this but maybe a South Africa Shelduck XD ( I dont have a pic atm )
  8. New unhelpful note about location added in case you want more torture. Have fun, guys. *laughs evilly*
  9. *Grabs a skillet and thinks about making bacon*
    Hashhog likes this.
  10. *Grabs a skillet and thinks about whacking hash*
    607 likes this.
  11. Mabey its a new species of duck? :eek:
  12. here is a photo for it...
  13. Not the one I was referring to, but good searching.
    The one i'm talking about is a physical building that has drawers of dead animals of each species for study and learn. A lot of really cool taxonomy too.
    607 and xHaro_Der like this.

  14. Maybe a ferruginous pochard? It would have to be female to get a darker head, though the one you saw is clearly juvenile (downy feathers, small whiteless eyes).
    The wing color and body color match-ish, and the wings have white tips/bands at the end.
    607 and Lil_Spartan_Cat like this.
  15. Kinda looks like and African Black Duck wasnt sure how it got to Cali until I read it was spotted near a zoo so maybe thats how?? here are some pics

  16. The color is different :/
  17. Looks to be a juvenile male mallard that is molting. One of the umpteen varieties of mallards as they seem to be all colors.


    Otherwise its a hybrid and plenty already seen here could be its parents.
    SirTah, Lil_Spartan_Cat and Dramanya like this.
  18. Is it a bufflehead?
  19. I think it might be a female White-headed duck
    It can also be a female bufflehead