[CONTEST] Chisel Me This

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Sep 2, 2015.

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  1. Voter's Shovel ftw. Admittedly slower, but I feel it's worth it's weight in, well, diamonds :D

    Best of luck to everyone! This is going to be quite an endeavor.
    NeedsFoodBadly likes this.
  2. If I were doing this contest with Eff 1 I would die before I hit 50,000 blocks.
    NeedsFoodBadly likes this.
  3. Digging two levels out of the bottom of my res was traumatizing enough for me, which is why I passed on this. :p
  4. RIP me lol
  5. Sorry for the double post, but the scale seems a bit small...
  6. The angle is pretty bad, the whole thing looks a lot better.
  7. but you aren't going to completely destroy the entire block :p you're only carving it.
  8. Well the total block is around 900,000 if you include the dirt in the ground, my sculpture will include a secret passage leading underground in which there will be parkour as well as 1-2 more statues.
  9. Can I have my chisel res reset?
  10. You can request a reset by PM'ing rainbowchin or replying to the Pm you received about your lot #
  11. Res?
  12. I don't think much is visible from the ground, but emc8-8.
  13. I needed somewhere to put the dirt... this is one of many dumping zones around my plot :/
  14. do /dispose :p
    legoace61, DeathPunchKitty and Kytula like this.
  15. I have a small squad of people who I send it to. :p
    legoace61 likes this.
  16. oh yeah that'd be a good idea
  17. Is it too late to enter? :/
  18. I've seen a lot of people quitting because they underestimated the contest, so there might be an open spot.
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