[Community event] sneaky ninja's

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by haastregt, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. nope, in 5 days it will start (the 20th)
    Patr1cV likes this.
  2. Some more bumperthebumpity bump :3
    Patr1cV likes this.
  3. Hm, reminds me of hashhog... ;) I'd like to join! :) I won't mail, though, that's not really my style...
    haastregt likes this.
  4. The event has started, I decided to still keep joining open, but you may start playing ninja now :D
    Patr1cV likes this.
  5. Add me to da list :)
  6. I am joining too :D
  7. added both ;)
    That names seem familiar to me though :rolleyes:
    Patr1cV likes this.