[Coming Soon] You've Been Scammed!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by nfell2009, Aug 18, 2012.

  1. also we have alts
  2. I think that's for the best. However, if you are going to show a scam then please please please omit bits.

    For example, pretend cobblestone generators were illegal. If, "for educational purposes" you had to show someone how to build one, only show the basic shape being made and the lava/water being placed. Don't show anything in detail, just the very basic idea.

    The warning message, good idea. But it doesn't stop scammers copying.

    (and I'd wait for the cow to give you the go ahead before continuing with the revised version)
  3. You will see i might also use another server for a while
  4. We are going to continue planning until we get a go ahead with IcC we just wanna help the people of EMC learn about avoid scams
  5. I don't think you're getting my point. Sure, you might use another server, but you're still showing people how to scam people, as a side effect of stopping people from being scammed.

    Honestly, if ICC made me his slave and forced me to make this then I'd be censoring/omitting it as much as possible. Eg: blocking out chat at key points, make sure I only show the bare minimum of what's needed. I'd probably focus it more on what to do if you were scammed, or how to prevent yourself from being scammed in general, not the specific scams themselves.
  6. Ok now I get you.

    So how about this:

    We show the people that got scammed not how to do the scams
  7. Please dont post negative comments im busy with the script
  8. I can't, therefore won't say that's allowed. However, personally I feel that would be for the best. Maybe have them vaguely explain what happened and have someone else say how to avoid it.

    Anyway, to leave on a quote (of myself): "Honesty is the heart of the truth, however it can be the source of evil."
  9. I have an idea! Why not make scams up that can not really happen on EMC and use them as a form of entertainment?
  10. we will discuss this on the convo
  11. Added "First Show Layout" Spoiler and "More Information" Spoiler
  12. We could also (I it was hosted on non-EMC) ban the scammer once the scam was done and over with.